“I’ve never actually met your mother,” he murmurs, holding out his hand to her.
Ayla is stock still as she takes a deep breath before her head shakes slowly. Her hand is trembling as she gives Bryce her hand, her eyes filling with tears.
“Who are you?” she whispers.
“This is Bryce O’Neil, Ayla,” I say, trying to figure out what I’m witnessing. “He moved to Minneapolis about fifteen years ago, I think?”
“That’s right,” he rumbles. “It was soon after my wife passed away. While I’ve heard of you, our paths never crossed.”
Ayla swallows hard, and Quinn looks as if she can’t figure out whether or not to try to help.
“It’s so quiet in my head,” Ayla says. “All night, Hudson has been screaming at me. But now… You made the voices stop.”
“I think that’s a sign that you should stick close, don’t you think?” Bryce asks smoothly, tucking Ayla against his side. Holy shit. He doesn’t ask about the voices, just accepts it.
They continue to talk as he walks with her while Quinn reaches out to grip my hand.
“I think we just witnessed a miracle,” Grandma Deidre says, dabbing at her eyes. “Don’t hesitate when you kill your father, girl. I have a feeling your mother will be just fine.”
I don’t have time to say anything, because someone is calling Quinn’s name and I’m moving in that direction to continue to mingle. The nerves slowly start to die down, though, especially every time I see Ayla smile across the room.
My lips are curled into a more real smile now, my body less stiff as I process the fact that I think I just witnessed my mother meet her scent match. She looks lighter and happier, and any reality where my father isn’t berating her in her head is a good one.
I’m standing next to Callum now, listening to people talk around me. If I’m honest with myself, I didn’t bring my tablet downstairs because I’m not in the most sociable mood tonight. The other reason is that it’s an experiment in seeing how people treat me, and gives me a chance to stretch my verbal skills, even as minimal as they are.
The doctor told me that there’s nothing physically wrong with me, which means it’s up to me to be able to speak.
I am, however, reminded of how much I dislike some of the daughters and their fathers that are at this party. Conri Fadden makes it his mission to find me once we walk back into theballroom, and I find myself pressing closer to Callum. The alpha is a big man, his eyes dark and beady.
Our families were close while I was growing up, but I would also find a reason not to spend the night at Sadie’s house if I could help it. I wasn’t always successful, and her dad still gives me the creeps all these years later.
“Still giving your poor father grief, I see,” he says gruffly. Thankfully, he doesn’t have enough weight in the community to be involved with my plans, so I just gaze impassively at him. “Yes, he told me you were both deaf and mute. It really is a shame.”
“You’re an idiot if you’re listening to Hudson,” Callum grunts.
Taking a breath, I beg my body to allow me to prove my father wrong. “Hello, sir,” I murmur.
I’m not at all the meek omega that I’m showing him, but it does make my father out to be a liar.
“Huh. Well I’ll be damned,” Conri mutters. “Sadie is around here somewhere. I’m sure she’d love to say hello too.”
“I’d rather swallow nails and then have to shit them out,”I say to Callum through the bond. He begins to choke as I nod at the alpha in front of me as if I would ever want to see his daughter again.
I may punch her if I do.
I didn’t think about that part of this party. I’ve been so focused on all the other things about tonight, I think I blocked out people like Sadie or Riley.
“I wouldn’t put it past those bitches to help your father again,” Callum murmurs as we leave Conri behind. “If you need to go anywhere, I want to be with you. Even the bathroom.”
“Kinky,” I say, smiling at someone in passing even as I nod. “I promise.”
“I really love hearing you talk,” Callum sighs. “Linus should be getting here soon. Duncan has been blowing up Augustine’s phone for updates.”
I’ve been trying to feel any anxiety or worry from Linus, but we’re too far away from each other. I’m glad Duncan is keeping tabs on our omega, because I really can’t wait for him to be back.