Page 155 of Broken Dreams

“Stay or not, it doesn’t change my mind at all,”I say coolly.

“Quinn,” Christian says under his breath.

I refuse to respond, and Patrick begins to put this ridiculous question to a vote.

“As everyone here knows, we are a tight knit group,” Patrick says, standing. “Generations of families live in Minneapolis and the surrounding communities. While we don’t put everyone through this type of scrutiny, we are choosing to here since he is a single alpha petitioning to relocate.”

“Christian, do you want to stand and tell everyone what you’ve been doing?” Corbin asks.

I swear I hear him mutter, “Do I have to?”

I don’t think I’ve ever really heard him talk about himself in the years that I’ve known him, and I wonder if there’s a reason for that. Taking a breath, he stands, shoving his hands into his pockets. He’s dressed sharply, even though I can see the slight bulge of a gun at his back. If I wasn’t sitting where I am, I’d never be able to catch a glimpse.

And now, I’m staring at his ass and perfect thighs. I’m doing everything I can not to perfume for him because it’s so damn inappropriate.

I’m not supposed to want anything to do with him, yet I find myself needing to check the corner of my mouth for drool.

“My name is Christian Sanchez, and I came here on the trail of the beautiful girl next to me and the man who is her best friend,” he begins. “Biology and destiny are the reasons I initially wanted to stay, but I had to prove that I can be an asset to the community. I’ve never cared much about things like this, but here we are.”

Christian looks around at the men and Adira seated in front of him before continuing, gathering his thoughts.

“Omega’s Haven needed bodies, and I am not a carpenter. However, I can follow directions, which I’ve been doing every day to help build their transitional housing,” he says, surprising me. I remember that Wren had mentioned they were building this, but that the community had to volunteer to do it since they couldn’t get anyone else to agree to the contract.

It had been said in passing, but it helps solidify his words for me.

“I’ve found that I’ve enjoyed its construction, and I’d like to see it completed, regardless of what you all decide,” Christian says. “I’ve also met with many of you, and discussed differentaspects of the community, including the safety of those who do night work in the city.”

“Therefore, the patrols were born, and we’ve been able to help control the kidnappings, sexual assaults, and violence in the city,” he adds. “It’s amazing to me that we haven’t come across one police officer on our nightly walks.”

“We don’t understand it either,” Cian sighs. “We’ve needed to organize something like this for way too long.”

“Be that as it may, I’m glad to be a part of it,” Christian says. “No matter what’s decided, I’ve gotten to see at least glimpses of my scent matches. I know they’re happy, and I’ve grown from the experience of knowing you all.”

He slowly sits down while the heat builds behind my eyes. My eyesight is bleary from the tears shimmering at my waterline, threatening to overflow and show my weakness in front of these men. I hold my eyes open as wide as I can, staring at a table as I beg for the tears to dry.

I listen to the vote as it passes for Christian to be able to stay in Minneapolis, and I wonder whose cereal I must have pissed in, because someone hates me. I usually have a great ability to be able to suck it up and keep moving.

It’s failing me tonight.

Blinking, I feel relief as the wetness clears without falling from my eyes, all while I sit impassively, as if I don’t care about what’s happening around me. These men don’t understand how fucking difficult it is for me to sit next to Christian, and I fully understand now why Linus punched him.

I’m beginning to feel both violent, horny, and sad. A definite recipe for disaster.

“Last on the docket is Quinn Kelly,” Corbin says as I gaze stonily at him. He swallows hard, understanding how unamused I am. “She’s?—”

“Corbin, come the fuck on,” Adira growls, standing. “I swear, you’re all getting on my last damn nerve. Quinn’s disappearance when she was fourteen is well known, and Hudson Hughes needs to pay for his crimes. When he’s killed in whichever way Quinn sees fit, she will take his place as the head of their family as his heir. As we all moved heaven and earth to ensure that neither he nor Rory Kelly would be here, we know her claim is legitimate.”

“Putting it to a vote that when this happens, no one will look for retaliation,” Cian continues, standing next to Adira. “She will also gain her father’s position on this council. Aye or nay.”

The vote passes by a majority, and I make sure to memorize those who voted against me. I need to make sure that I know who not to trust.

“Thank fuck for that,” Corbin mumbles. “We’re dismissed."

Standing quickly with my tablet in hand, I shove it into my bag, my feet moving forward to find my escape. I need to get the fuck out of here.

“Mi amor,”I hear whispered before his hand is on my back, helping me out of the room. I gasp in a breath, unable to regulate my emotions. “Talk to me?”

“No,” I say, looking around for Evan. God, he’s probably still with Cian and Adira. Dammit.