“Do you want to have the doctor run any tests on your vocal chords to make sure there’s nothing else going on?” he finally asks in a rush.
My voice box has never been crushed, despite being strangled or choked over the years. I still sound the same to myself, though my voice has slowly matured. Alpha Miles trained my words away, and they never really came back.
I suppose it doesn’t hurt to make sure there’s not any scar tissue, so I nod to Linus, and that’s the end of the conversation. We have a routine to work on.
One of the dancers recorded it for us, so Linus and I watch it a few times before we begin to practice. Over and over we dance, showing we know exactly how important muscle memory is. When your brain tries to hesitate or second guess your movements, your body overrides it sternly.
We’re both sweating when we take a water break, breathing hard as we lean against each other on the floor. Duncan opens the door, his eyes widening as he sees us sucking in both water and air.
“Is dancing the art of seeing if you can pass out or not afterward?” he asks. “You both look so flushed.”
The air conditioning in this room is controlled separately from the rest of the house with a wall control since the Kelly’s grandmother was very particular about how she liked the room’s temperature.
We just recently turned it on once it became too warm.
“Quinn and I have been making sure we have this group routine down,” Linus explains. “We can get a little obsessive.”
“As long as you’re prepared to be spoiled afterward,” Duncan grumbles. “Lunch is ready, and then you can catch showers before we head to the hospital. I’m running you a bath when we get back, for your muscles. No complaints.”
Linus and I blink after him as he lumbers out. Oh no, mandatory baths? Whatever will we do?
It’s over when our gazes meet, and we begin to laugh. It’s so difficult to believe some days that this is our life. Alphas who worry when we push too hard, take care of us, and ensure we’re happy.
“How is this real life?” Linus breathes, helping me off the ground. My muscles are sore, and I wince slightly.
The hike definitely worked muscles I don’t usually use. I took a hot bath with Linus last night and he massaged my body until I fell asleep in his arms. I don’t think I can take a bath alone, because I always seem to fall asleep.
Hugging Linus hard, I squeak when his fingers push through my sweaty hair to angle my head so he can kiss me. His lips, tongue, and mouth devour me, setting my body on fire as I whimper. God, how am I supposed to go eat lunch now, when all I want to do is climb him like a tree and fuck him?
My chest heaves for an entirely different reason as I scowl at him, but he merely looks sheepish.
“You looked so pretty, I couldn’t help it,” he says. “I get to kiss you whenever I want, show you how much I love you, and that's all I want to do now.”
Fuck lunch.
I’m just about to launch myself at him, when Callum peeks his head into the room. Dance practice tends to devolve into fucking, which is probably why they check on us now.
“Guys,” he says, chuckling. “Out, seriously. If we didn’t have an appointment at the hospital to get to, I would be all about fucking all day.”
Pouting, I turn to look at him while he shakes his head. Linus’ hand on the small of my back guides me out of the room, while Callum says, “Grandma Diedre will be happy to know this room is still getting some action.”
Snorting in amusement I say through the bond, “Please don’t tell her that.”
“She’s going to be at the party, you know,” he says out loud. “She called me to tell me to make sure there was so much protection at the house that people complained it was absurd. She’s also very excited to see you.”
His grandmother is one of the sweetest people who has ever refused to take anyone’s bullshit in the world. Diedre doesn’t care what anyone thinks, while also speaking her mind.
The next hour is a whirlwind of eating, showering, and getting dressed in an effort to get to the hospital. I have my essentials in my crossbody bag so I can communicate, as well as nerves the size of a mountain. Hopefully, I’ll get some of the answers I’ve been waiting for today.
“Dr. Adrain is part of Pack Royal,” Duncan explains once we’re in the SUV. My mom is with us, but only because the brothers offered to take her to see their grandmother. Being shut up in the house is no way to live.
It was a last minute decision, and Mom happily jumped at the opportunity.
“They’re not necessarily part of the families outside of his father’s influence. Bryce accepts their refusal to be part of the mafia life, but somehow, Dr. Adrain still gets pulled into things,” Callum says. “He’s discreet, understands the importance of care for those who can’t leave a paper trail, and that’s why he’s such an asset to Omega’s Haven.”
“It’s nice to hear that just because his values align in a different direction that he’s still willing to help,” Linus says.
I don’t think I could have said it any better.