Page 115 of Broken Dreams

My mom sure won’t, and I won’t either.

Remembering that I wanted to bring up Emilia, I sigh.

“I heard something on the ROWS official podcast channel tonight while I was getting ready,”I begin. “Emilia mentioned that she wanted to begin doing matchmaking mixers for omegas to find their packs, and that sounds like the worst idea in existence.”

“Yeah, it really is,” Adira grunts. “I usually pay attention to her channel, but missed that podcast. Did she say when? There are a few people I need to warn.”

“All I heard was that it would be soon. She didn’t give an actual date,” I explain.

“The organizers at Omega’s Haven are people I definitely need to tell. Cian’s daughter is one of the omegas who run it. I don’t want someone falling into that trap who is staying there,” she says. “It’s a shelter and outreach center for omegas who are rebuilding their lives.”

“Callum mentioned telling someone else who does matchmaking services as well as a way to counter Emilia’s events,”I tell her.

“Her name is Hollis,” Cian says. “The shelter works with her as well. She would definitely want to get ahead of this.”

“Good. I didn’t want tonight to end without telling you guys,”I say. “Emilia is evil.”

“That she is,” Cian says. “For everything that’s happened to you, it hasn’t made you bitter. It’s entirely too easy to let the rest of the world burn and leave them to it.”

“I don’t know why, but that feels like a terrible way to be,”I say. “WhileI’m not looking for trouble, I’ll be the first to say something if I find it. Too many people turned a blind eye when I disappeared.”

“What were the names of those girls you went to the mall with?” Cian asks. “They may be at the party and I want to do some digging to prepare you.”

Fuck, I didn’t think about that.

I’ve desperately tried to forget they exist, but that’s not possible now.

“Sadie and Riley,” I reply. “Their fathers were Conri Fadden and Orson Lynott.”

“They’re both fucking pricks,” Cian groans. “Their daughters are two of the most spoiled women on the planet as well.”

“Neither of their fathers are in the inner circle, but they’ll be invited to this party because Hudson is still friends with them. Morris has been deep diving into everything that has to do with your father, Quinn,” Adira says. “There’s an entire wall in his computer room that looks like a murder board.”

Releasing an unladylike snort as I imagine it, I cover my face in embarrassment. Morris was really good to my mom, and only left last night after making sure she was alright. It appears that ever since, he’s been doing his research on my father.

“I suppose it would be rude for me to kill Sadie and Riley, right?”I ask, dropping my hand from my face to write it out. “They were always so awful to me as kids. God, I’m trying really hard not to be petty.”

Cian leans back in the darkness of the sedan, shrugging. “They’re both single betas, chasing any alpha in sight. It’s disgusting, and I believe the world would thank you for it,” he says.

“You know it’s bad whenyoucan’t find the good in people,” Adira teases him.

The drive is passing surprisingly fast, and we touch on a few other things as we debrief from the dinner.

“I believe I know who the arms dealer is that Corbin was talking about,”I finally say just as Evan pulls onto the road that’ll lead toward the Kellys’ house.

“You were stiffer than a board next to me while they spoke about him,” Adira murmurs. “I was waiting to see if you’d mention it.”

“I don’t really like to talk about Christian Sanchez. Linus and I used to see him as a client at the club, but he’s unwilling to let us go,”I say.

“Is it an obsession or something deeper?” Cian asks kindly.

Always asking the difficult questions, I see.

“He says we’re scent matches, but I don’t know if we are or not,”I explain.

They both know about Bret’s drug cocktails so they hum under their breath as they process that.

“So how badly has he fucked up?” Adira asks. “Scent matches are hard to run from. I know this first hand. If he’s in the city, it’s only a matter of time until he’ll find you and the scent match will be locked in on your side. Linus is a bit different since he’s still under the influence of Bret’s drug concoction. That is, if he’s Linus’ scent match as well?”