Almost falling in my heels as I turn too quickly, I glance around as if someone’s watching me, even though I’m alone in the nest. Get it together, Quinn.
Walking swiftly, I climb into my bed to turn the computer around and rewind the podcast. I need to know exactly what this woman is saying. She’s the last person who should be putting anything together for alphas and omegas to find each other.
“Yes, you’ve heard correctly. Out of the goodness of my heart, the Regional Omega Women’s Society is going to be putting together mixers with acceptable alphas,”Emilia says. “There will be no ruffians or criminals, and by the same standard, omegas will need to apply for the privilege to attend. We’ll provide more information, including when they will soon begin.”
More and more, I’m wishing that I could rail and yell at a fucking machine. Instead I wordlessly growl at the damn thing, only listening for a couple of more minutes so I can find out when this ridiculous thing is supposed to begin. I continue to snarl when I find there’s no other information other than “soon.”
“What are you doing?” Callum asks, amused. Flopping onto my ass from where I’m on my hands and knees glaring at my computer, I make a face at him.
Finding my tablet hidden in the blankets, I write out my response. Callum was able to create a program for me so my replies will be spoken out loud. It’s really cool, and something I’ll be using tonight. It’s not exactly my voice, though he tailored it to older voice messages that I sent him as a child before aging it to sound more like me.
This man is a damn genius. This is the best gift I’ve ever received, though I can’t help but say that about anything the Kelly brothers give me.
“Emilia Richardson has decided to begin a monthly mixer for alphas and omegas to help them make the right decisions for their future,” I explain. “Omegas will have to apply to ensure they’re an appropriate fit.”
Callum looks horrified, gazing at me for several moments.
“I came to tell you that you had to leave in a few minutes, but goddamn, Quinn,” he mutters. “Emilia shouldn’t be setting anyone up together. When is that supposed to start?”
“All she says is that it’ll be soon,” I explain. “I have very strong feelings about this. I don’t want anyone to go missing because they trusted her. I’ve been torturing myself with her podcasts while I get ready.”
“Well, this is self-flagellation that’s hopefully going to have something good come from it,” he says. “I’m going to also tell someone who runs events like this that isn’t a soulless bitch, and suggest that she advertise more. Hopefully we can cancel out Emilia, while we keep an eye on her events.”
“She’s a damn menace,”I agree, scooting off the bed to stand. I need to check my hair, but I was hoping Linus would come upstairs before he had to go to work.
I have a feeling there won’t be enough time for that. He’s probably trying to keep himself busy since he doesn’t want me to go to this damn dinner at all. Linus is being a pouty omega. I understand his anxiety and frustration about it, but I need to solidify my place with these old mafia men.
I need their respect, because my father isn’t going to live forever. In fact, I’m going to make sure he doesn’t.
Walking across the room to the bathroom, I pick up the curling iron to fix the little pieces that didn’t want to behave the first time.
“I’m going to take Linus to work now,” Callum reminds me, coming closer.
Linus and I have been fighting all day. It’s rare, but he hates when I do things that put me in danger. It’s a conversation we’ve been having for the past ten years. It’s nothing new.
Nodding, I fix my hair, my stomach twisting as it calls me a liar. I really want to talk to Linus, but he’s just as stubborn as I am.
“Do you want to come down to say goodbye?” he asks. I know he’s noticed the way Linus and I have been acting together.
I deactivate the voice feature when I talk to Linus, so the conversation doesn’t make much sense if someone walks by to “eavesdrop.” I have my alphas’ numbers. Sneaky little shits. I know they’ve been trying to figure out why he and I have been so on edge.
I have to do this. There’s no other way. Dad has to die, and I want to help find Alpha Miles. Maybe my father will slip up because I’m mute, forgetting I have a voice at all. Bret used to do this often, which is why I know so much about his business.
Waiting for me to set the curler aside so he can crowd into my space, Callum wraps his arms around my waist, rubbing his face along my throat to scent mark me.
“You’re both so stubborn,” he murmurs. “Hopefully work keeps his mind busy. Make up with him when you get back, yeah?”
Well, making up is fun, and I smirk at him through my reflection in the mirror, nodding.
“And now my dick is hard from the promise in that smile,” he mutters. “I love you. Please be careful.”
My mouth drops open as he kisses my temple before slipping away. I know what I feel for Callum and Duncan, but somehow I wasn’t expecting either of them to feel the same.
Callum Kelly loves me.He never said that to me when I was younger, probably due to our age difference, yet I remember laying in bed wishing the Kelly brothers would love me. I feel as if my teenage angst and crush just came full circle.
Shaking my head at how love finds a way, I pick up an eyeliner pencil and line my eyes. My eyeshadow is done, I just needed to add the finishing touches. I even styled my special pins into my hair for added protection. Gazing at myself, I decide this is the best I’m going to look. My makeup reminds me of ‘natural glam’, which I did on purpose.
It’s just enough to irritate my father without others being able to say that I look like a whore. From the dress, makeup, to high heels, he’ll be chomping at the bit because I’m no longer a little girl, nor can I be controlled as such.