Page 100 of Hush 3: Hidden Family

“But you will be in trouble if you don’t start talking.”

“Bella training. Val calls us bellas. After Ellen’s demise, Val thought all the wives should train. When we all get together, we are training,” I gasp out as he continues to tickle me.

“Why am I not surprised,” Michael grumbles as he finally shows me some mercy.

“I have told you. Now can I go back to sleep? I will be grumpy today if you fail to allow me some more rest.”

“Fine. Your gifts can wait.”

He lies down in bed next to me and looks up at the ceiling. I go to lie back down but his words settle in, and I become excited.

“Gifts? What gifts?”

“You will see when you wake up.”

I blink at him like he’s crazy. How am I to sleep now? I get up and rush into the bathroom.

Quickly, I brush my teeth and shower. When I return to the bedroom, Michael is still lying right where I left him. I move into my closet and throw on leggings and a sports bra.

Once I have my trainers on, I head back out to the bedroom. Michael still hasn’t moved.

“Well, come on. You have a gift for me. Let’s go.”

He chuckles and sits up on his elbows. I fold my arms across my chest and glare at him defiantly. He gives me a look I don’t understand, confusing me.

“What is this look, Michael? I don’t understand. You said you wanted me to wake up,” I rant in Italian.

When he does nothing more than purse his lips to stifle his laughter, I continue my rant. Still speaking his mother tongue.

“I have gotten up. Now you sit there with this look. I’m tired and everything aches. Do you know what that woman had to put my body through to get me to hurt like this?

“I will not play these games with you. Nope, not today. You want to be a stupid buttface; you do so by yourself.”

Michael roars with laughter as he stands from the bed and comes over to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me tightly.

“You are so adorable when you’re angry. We will talk about this bella training, but first I have something to show you. I love you.”

“If you love me, you would have let me rest. I still don’t understand this face you make.”

“I adore you. It is a look of love and adoration. It hit me in that moment that I can’t see my life without you.”

“Oh,” I say.

He pecks my lips and laces his fingers with mine. My face is flaming. I didn’t mean to get so upset.

“Sorry, I’ve never seen you look at me like that.”

“Don’t apologize. I love watching you turn into an Italian grandmother. Mama would be proud.”

“Speaking of your mother, is she still upset with you?”

“We spoke this morning. She’s coming back and would like to spend time with you. I might still have some groveling to do, but she’s had secrets of her own that I have been angry about. We will come to a compromise,” he says and shrugs.

My mother-in-law, Donatella, was not allowed to know about me. When she did find out Michael had been married for sixteen years, she was angry she wasn’t trusted to know about me. She was hurt and, as she expressed to me—wished she had the chance to help.

I love her and wish she had been around more. However, I understand why she couldn’t be. Roberto Zuko would have used me against them all.

“I will be happy to see her. Will Adriano be returning soon?”