“Me too.”
I smile as I feel her body growing heavy on top of mine. She has fallen asleep. Thankfully, my lounge chair is under the umbrella.
I tighten my hold around her and allow her to rest. While she sleeps, I stare down at her gorgeous face. She looks so peaceful and innocent.
If you told me I had an assassin lying on top of me, I would tell you that you lie. Symphony looks more like a princess who spreads light around the world. She has brought light back into my life with her return.
I don’t know what I would do if I had to be away from her again. One thing I know is that I never plan to find out. I’m never letting her go.
“You were just what I needed,” I murmur and brush my fingers along her temple.
We sliponto the island under the cover of night. Thick clouds are rolling in, noting a storm is brewing. We need to handle this quickly.
Symphony and I make it to Damian Balaska’s vacation home undetected. This one is a favor to Uncle Nicholas. Balaska fucked up when he stole from a Donati.
It’s not about the money he took. It’s the principal and the fact that this guy has done so with his chest poked out and his tongue wagging. That can’t go unanswered.
Not when Luca is about to take over the family. Uri wants all old grievances cleaned up before the transitions of the families. Valentine Caprisi has ensured Uri won’t have any issues taking over the Caprisi family.
I have nearly cleared the board of Trovati problems outside of Leonardo and here we are to handle the last of the Donati issues. I have met Balaska once, I didn’t like him then. He was arrogant and dismissive of the woman I would later come to learn was his wife.
I guess it’s not strange that he’s here with his mistress on this island. The funny part is he would be nothing without hiswife and her family. If you ask me, I think it was his wife who snitched him out to Uncle Nic.
“I have neutralized the girl,” Sim says through the comm.
We are here for Balaska. Sim and I both agreed we didn’t want to kill his young mistress. Symphony’s task was to slip by the guards undetected to sedate the mistress.
“Meet me in his office,” I reply.
Swiftly, I begin to make my way toward the office doors from the outside of the house. There are two guards standing outside. I wait until they are standing, lined up side by side, and take the shot, sending a bullet through both their skulls in one blow.
Once they are down, I move quickly into the open double doors of Balaska’s study he has been held up in. I slip into the office through the shadows and lock my gaze on my target. The asshole is so busy watching porn on a laptop on his desk as he jerks off he hasn’t noticed a thing.
I guess a mistress half his age isn’t enough, or maybe he needs to prime the pump before he gets to the main show. Either way, it doesn’t matter. He’s not going to get to finish.
I flip my watch open, and “Für Elise” fills the air. I laugh as Balaska nearly jumps out of his skin. The door to the office opens and the sound of three sharp pops is all that’s heard before Balaska falls back lifelessly in his chair.
I close my watch and hold my hand out for Sim. She takes it, and I turn to leave out the way I came in. I mumble to myself as we make our way back to the waiting boat.
“I thought we agreed I would take the kill shot,” I say once we are back on the boat.
“You were playing with your food. I like to eat and be done with it. You can have the next one. Why play the music?”
I smile at her assumption that this will continue. However, the thought of working together like this doesn’t bother me asmuch as it once did. We feel like a team. I would rather be with her to watch her back than have her work alone.
“Think of it as a parting gift. A grace of sorts. Something beautiful before they meet their end.
“Besides, it makes me think of you. A light to lead me back from the darkness,” I say and peck her lips as I hold her to my side while I drive us away from the island in the speed boat.
“At this speed, we will beat the storm. Can we go a little faster?”
I give her waist a squeeze as I increase our speed. We reach our destination right as the sky opens up. Our driver is waiting to take us to the airport for our flight home. Our work is done here.
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