“I’m sure we will, love,” Uri says and kisses Val’s forehead. “Michael, I have a reason for bringing the business up.”

“I bet you do.”

“You two should work together. Allow Symphony to show you what she’s capable of. Things are changing and I believe we will all need to be open to this change.

“Despite making the world believe it’s so, we can’t be everywhere all the time. You will rest easier knowing she’s capable of returning home to you no matter what. I say this from experience.”

“Way to save your ass,” Val says under her breath.

I snicker. I like her more and more. She is the one who told me I needed to stand up for myself when it comes to Michael.

Michael sighs and turns me in his embrace so he can wrap his arms around me—my back to his front. He kisses the side of my neck. I close my eyes and soak him in.

“We have a lot to talk about. You should know what’s going on in Italy. We will call your nonno as well. He will be happy to know you are with me.”

“I would like that.”


Better Together


I still don’t know how I feel about this. It’s not that I don’t think Symphony is capable. This just isn’t what I want for her. If it were up to me, she would dance or play on a stage for the world to see.

How did we get here? I am on a kill and my wife is with me. My sweet Symphony is here to help me silence a few lives.

With each second that passes, I’m beginning to feel a little more insane. If anything happens to her, I will lose my fucking mind.

“Michael, I will be fine. I am a professional,” Sim says through the comm.

“We move in and out. There are five targets. Do not separate from me.”

“I know what to do. It will be easier if you trust me.”

“I trust you, Sim. It is them I can’t trust.”

“You are making me angry. Let’s just do this. I want to go home and play for a few hours to work off my anger.”

“Symphony, I’m sorry. I?—”

“They have all arrived. Our focus should be on the task. Focus, Michael,” she growls, cutting me off.

I release a heavy breath and get ready. Blocking out that this is my wife I’m about to do a hit with, I pretend I’m working with Uri instead. It is all I can do to keep focused on the task at hand.

“Let’s move.”


I push my anger aside and lock in on the job at hand. I will not allow Michael to cause me not to do my best. He will see I am a professional.

With my tablet, I shut down all their comms, then I cut the lights. Once done, I tuck the tablet away and pull my guns, my silencers already in place.

Allowing the music to play in my head, I dance. Michael becomes my dance partner. I move with him.

We enter the building with our night vision glasses on. I take out the two confused-looking guards before they can find their bearings and shoot us. Michael nods and we keep moving.

We turn the corner and come up behind three more guys. Michael takes out two and I take out the third one.