“Go home. Our families need you. It’s time for you to take your place,” she says warmly.

“Thank you. How can I repay you?”

“You will repay me with the gifts you teach to my son. You will show him how to ground himself to function in all things. You will also give him the words to know he can love and be loved. Others will try, but it won’t sink in until he hears it from you,” she says.

“I will do my best to help him. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you.”

“Accept the role you are given. You are important. Your thoughts matter.”

With that, she stands and leaves. I watch her go, wondering if the person she’s been waiting for arrived. However, she leaves the café and climbs into a car, then it pulls off.

Sitting back in my seat, I look around the café. Was she waiting for me? Excitement fills me as I realize I have the green light to go home.

I must go and make calls. I need to pack my things. I’m going home to my husband.

I pull out my phone and dial the person who has been encouraging me the most. I begin to pop my wristband as I await the answer on the other end.

The sound of infants crying fills the line as it’s picked up. “Hello?”

“Hello, Valentina. This is Symphony. I am sorry for the disruption.”

“Don’t worry about it. Call me Val, Sim. How can I help you?”

“I wish for you to inform Uri that I’m ready. I want to come home.”

“Thank God.”


IWant More


“Where to, Boss?”

“Home.I have had enough celebrating for one night,” I reply to my driver.

While I’m happy for Nico and his win and the fact that he’s going to be a papa, I need some time alone with my thoughts. I have a lot on my mind. A lot to figure out.

After I completed the hit Uri sent me on, I took his advice and went to Sicily to spend some time with Don Trovati. He’s been staying on a private, heavily guarded estate there.

I’ve been back from Italy for three and a half months. We spoke a lot about the time coming for me to lead things. I am soon to become Don Michael Donati of the Trovati family. An officialfuck youto Leonardo Trovati.

However, there were things that happened in Sicily that were unexpected. Don Trovati made sure to make it known that I amthe husband of Symphony, not my brother. I will never have to hide who I am or pretend to be my brother again.

It has been so freeing to know that not only am I free to use the name Donati, but I’m free of Roberto Zuko and the bullshit he forced us to believe. Leonardo Trovati has been more of a threat than the phantoms we thought we had to hide from ever were.

We have always been the real ones to fear. Now, we have the power to prove that and ensure we never have to answer to anyone ever again. Not only will I have my own empire to lead, but I met with Don Locatelli while in Sicily at the request of the don himself.

To my surprise, I was informed that although my rank won’t be as high as Uri’s, I have my own seat at the Alliance table if I choose.

I had no idea Don Trovati planned to initiate this. However, Don Locatelli didn’t seem surprised by any of it. It was as if he was waiting or something.

He knew I was the Donati married to Sim all along. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around all that’s happened while I was gone. Everything has changed.

Reese’s words during Nico’s game earlier today brought up the feelings I’ve been warring with. My wife should be with me. I want her to be, but our relationship is still so complicated.

While I care for Julissa, I’m not in love with her like I am with Symphony. Julissa kept telling me she wanted more. I can’t give her more.