When we pulled up to the house—we learned the girl had been staying in—Christoph and a driver had already loaded the younger girl into the car and pulled off to head out. Neither of us could get a look at the girl as Christoph had some type of cape covering her. I could only hope for his sake that wasn’t the don’s granddaughter.

After confirming the house was empty, I was able to follow them and catch up. We plan to intercept them before they get to the auction. However, something is off.

Our intel placed the auction another ten miles from here. Our rendezvous point is another mile and a half ahead. The car has turned off course. We continue to follow until the car heads into a parking structure. I glance over at Uri. He looks back at me, giving me a nod to get ready.

“Stay with them. This changes nothing,” he says.

I lick my lips nervously. This is my first time driving in America. I try my best not to focus on that, sticking to the task at hand.

I pull into the parking garage after the car and follow it as it drives up a few levels to one that’s more secluded. I hang back just a bit so we’re not detected.

“Pull in over there.” Uri points.

I pull into the spot he points out and cut the engine. Uri pulls on his gloves, then pulls his guns and begins to check the clips. I place on my gloves then do the same.

“Remember, your job is to get the girl and get her to safety.”

“I’ve got it.”

“Let’s go. I don’t have a good feeling about this,” Uri bites out.

My gut twists as I have the same feeling. We climb from the vehicle and race forward toward the car we’ve followed here.

I watch as my brother allows his demons to take over. This is when the savage assassin comes to the front. I have learned to notice the different faces and levels of my brother.

This is the darkest version of him. The man they call Hush. It is best for me to allow him to do what he does and stay out of the way.

Uri rushes the car and rips the back door open. In the next breath, he tears Christoph from the car by the back of his hair. The driver jumps out with his arms in the air. His face looks stricken.

“I don’t want any part of this. I quit,” the driver says.

I move quickly to place a zip tie on his wrists. When I look up, I find Uri with Morgan in his grasp as he squeezes his palm around his neck. With the driver secure and forgotten, I rush to find the girl.

I clench my jaw tightly as I climb into the back seat and find the young girl with her face bruised and battered. However, as my gaze roams for other injuries, my blood begins to boil. Her front is exposed as the dress she had been wearing is now torn down the front.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I note her panties are still covering her lower parts. Giving a silent prayer, I hope that means we got here in time. Quickly, I climb in and cover her little exposed breasts.

Grabbing the cape from the seat, I then wrap it around her. There’s blood on her face around her mouth. From the looks of it, she put up a fight.

“Keep fighting for me,bella. We’re going to get you to your nonno,” I whisper as I scoop her up and back out of the vehicle.

I move swiftly back to our car. The sharp sound of a bullet moving through a silencer goes off behind me. I didn’t think Uri was going to allow the driver to live.

Instead of turning to look back, I place the girl in the passenger seat and buckle her in. Once she’s secure, I rush around to climb into the driver’s side and take off for the location where I’m to wait with the girl for Uri to come and collect us.




If Don Trovati hadn’t asked me to make this piece of shit suffer. I would have put a bullet in his bloody skull when I found him pounding his fists into that child’s head. When I pulled him off her and caught a glance of her little exposed body, the only thing that kept me from killing him then and there was the desire to hear him scream in agony.

“Please,” he gasps as he chokes on his own blood.

“Did the child beg you to stop?” I tilt my head to the side. “How about her mum? Did she get to beg for her bloody fucking life, you piece of shit.”

“I hadn’t planned to kill her. Not until I was offered the money. I was told to keep the girl and do as I pleased,” he chokes out.