The feel of her juices dripping down my balls is like a trigger. I spill right inside of her. My knees go weak, and I drop forward against her back, panting heavily.
“What the fuck?” I breathe as I wake, my stomach convulsing as I come against my sheets.
Tossing the covers back, I look down in disbelief. I’m too fucking old to be coming from a fucking dream. Tugging a hand through my hair, I try to catch my breath.
“What have you done to me?”
IDon’t Like You
A year later …
I’ve just come out of a meeting with Sam Mairettie and Wyatt Black. Now that things have settled and the threat is gone, we’ll be moving forward with the plans for the Alliance. There are only a few more pieces that need to fall into alignment.
I believe Michael will be happy to hear the news I have for him. Shutting Leonardo down will be within our grasp shortly. It couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m concerned with my brother’s choices and the dark mood he’s always in.
Things have been busy since I got married. For the first time I’ve gone an entire year without going to visit Symphony. Knowing deep down she is the cause of Michael’s brooding; I have felt guilty for not giving her more attention.
The reports I get always say she is thriving. She’s been traveling with her dance company or playing in concert halls.Since no one here in America has any clue who she is, I haven’t worried about her safety as much.
Not that it would be wise to target her. I grin as I think of how lethal my sister-in-law is. I only got to train her briefly, but she’s a quick study. I can only imagine the chaos she’s capable of now.
Not to mention the fact that we keep her guarded like a precious gem. Adriano takes caring for her seriously. When offered to be reassigned, he refused.
“Did everything go okay?” Michael asks as I walk into the sitting room our family is gathered in.
“We will talk later. You have decisions to make. You and the don should talk.”
He frowns and nods, understanding this isn’t the time or the place. Everyone has broken off into families to begin to make plans to leave the Briggs’ compound. I, for one, am ready to return to my home.
Tina needs to see a doctor about our little one she’s carrying, and I would like to have my privacy back. I’m sure the Briggs feel the same.
I walk over to my scowling wife and lift her chin to place a kiss on her lips. As I take in everyone in the room, I groan. This isn’t going to make my mood any better.
“Does she have to stay with us?” Val asks, referring to this Julissa woman, completely ignoring that she is standing in the room with us.
Valentina has made it no secret that she doesn’t like Julissa, or should I say Vanessa. Many of the women aren’t a fan of hers now that they know the history she has around here. I can’t say I’m fond of the idea of her staying in our home either.
However, since Roberto is dead and everyone has begun to return to their homes, this woman needs to go somewhere. Michael has offered for her to come along with us. I don’t thinkthat’s a good idea, but at thirty-five, I can’t tell him what to do with his life.
Michael has lived for another for so long I feel it’s wrong to tell him he shouldn’t do as he pleases. I can only hope he’s wise enough not to do anything to hurt Symphony and make me kick his arse.
“She will be my guest, Valentina. I will find her other accommodations as soon as I can. For now, staying here under the Briggs’ roof isn’t going to cut it,” Michael says.
I cut my eyes to him as I don’t care for his tone. He takes a calming breath and turns to begin pacing. Michael has a heart for those who are in need of help.
I understand why he wants to help this broken woman, but she might be more of a challenge than his wife. Julissa is fragile. She is not made for a man as complicated as Michael.
“I would like to say something,” Julissa speaks up.
“Please don’t,” Val and Annabella say in unison.
Annabella is another who’s not in favor of the relationship Michael seems to be developing with this woman. This is going to need an alternative solution. I will not have this tension in my home.
“I only wanted to say that it’s okay. I am safe from my past. I can handle myself from here. I will get a room at a hotel while I figure things out,” Julissa says.