I stand stock-still. The intensity around us cracks like a whip. I can almost feel it brush against my skin, sending a shiver down my spine.

“What are you doing here?” he bites out.

“I am twenty-eight. I have never had coitus. You are my husband. I would like to have it with you.”

A collective gasp fills the air. Michael’s mouth drops open. Nico bursts into laughter and I think Adriano is stifling his laughter behind me.

“Um … I think you two should go have a private chat. I will get my hugs later,” Annabella says.

I hadn’t noticed her as my focus had been on Michael. Her words cause me to realize I’ve chosen the wrong time to speak honestly. They also snap Michael into action.

He closes the distance between us and grabs me by the wrist. Even with my long legs, I struggle to keep up with his stride. He tugs me to the stairs, not saying a word.

When we get to the top, he doesn’t turn for my room. Instead, he turns for his wing of the house. At the end of the hall, he pushes the door open and tugs me into the room with him.

Quickly, he closes the door behind us. I jump when he rounds on me and cages me against the door. I keep my gaze on his chest.

“You put your life in danger to come and demand sex from me?”

“I am not demanding. I would like for you to deflower me. If you don’t wish to, then at least I will know and can stop waiti?—”

My words are cut off by his lips. He kisses me like a starving man. I wrap my arms around his neck and lift on my toes to kiss him back.

He groans as he moves his hands over my body. With shaky hands, I move my fingers to the buttons on his shirt. I only manage to get two undone when he coaxes my arms up so he can take my sweater off.

“Merda, you drive me crazy. Whenever I’m around you all I want is to be near you, to touch you. I only stay away because I can’t have you.”

“Why can’t you have me?”

He places his forehead against mine. Slowly, he drags one hand up my side, stopping just below my breast. He grasps hold of me, resting his thumb beneath the cup of my bra. Then he tightens his hold.

“That was never a part of the deal. I’m your guardian, your protector?—”

“My husband. I was there, Michael. I know what was said.

“What was asked of you. Nonno never said you couldn’t touch me. I’m your wife. Who else do you think he expected to take my virginity?”

“Fuck,” he growls and lifts me onto his waist.

He’s devouring my mouth once again. I whimper into his as he sticks his tongue into my mouth and searches my cavern like he has lost something within it.

He moves his lips to trail kisses against my skin, moving across my cheek, to my neck, and then down to my collarbone as he presses into me. My heated skin meets the cool surface of the door behind me, causing me to gasp and arch my back.

Micheal takes the motion as an opportunity to unclasp my bra. My breasts bounce free, and a groan comes from deep within his chest. He palms one and lifts it as if testing its weight.

“You are mine. No one else will touch what belongs to me,” he says huskily before he takes my nipple into his mouth.

I throw my head back and look up at the ceiling. His sucking has made the light pulsing of my vagina turn into a throbbing beat as if my heart has dropped between my legs.

“Michael,” I cry out.

He pulls away and looks into my eyes. There is so much lust there. I reach for his face and run my thumb across his wet lips.

“È questo che vuoi, amore mio? Vuoi che io faccia l'amore con te, sì?”

“Yes, Michael, please. That is what I want. I want you to make love to me,” I reply.

“You are so beautiful. I have wanted you for so long. How can I tell you no?”