I am also putting Uri at risk while I stay here. The two of us have been in the same place for too long. I need to be where I’m not seen.
“I’ve taken on too much power. I’m beginning to draw notice. This is what Don Trovati wanted to meet about,” I say to Uri.
“This is true. I am aware that Leonardo knows this as well. My name has been circulating more as of late.
“Talk is that I have muscled my way into the Trovati family since I have no chance at taking over my own,” he scoffs.
“Will this alliance change anything for me or Symphony?”
I gesture with my head for the door LaSalle Locatelli left through. Uri places his hands on his hips. I can see the wheels turning in his head.
“Brilliant. That’s bloody brilliant,” he murmurs to himself. Then he looks to me. “It just might.If,which is one big fucking if, I decide to join them, it will be because of you and Sim.”
“I think you should do it. We’re going to need their power. I can do this.
“I can bring her home, but it would be a lot easier with the power he just offered. It would stop Leonardo in his tracks as well. No more outside help.”
Uri moves closer to me and cups the sides of my face. He then kisses my forehead before looking me in the eyes.
Crossing Paths
Four Years later …
“Ugh, I don’t know why I allowed you to talk me into this. I feel like a beached whale and I’m hungry. What’s with all this finger food. Are these people rabbits?”
“We will go once I confirm the information I need. Thank you for attending this event with me.”
“You are lucky I love art,” Maribel grumbles.
I have enjoyed having her with me. I wish it were under better circumstances, but I have taken pleasure in her company either way. Besides, it was better I bring her along instead of Adriano. He knows nothing about art and this charity event has some heavy players who could expose my cover.
I glance around the room for my target. I haven’t accepted this job. I’m only doing recon to see if it meets the guidelines.
Sam Mairettie comes into view, standing beside his wife. I glance away quickly as I find her eyes on me. I don’t think I will be accepting this job.
I only have a few hours to decide. Mairettie and his wife will be returning to New York in the morning. The client wants the job done here in Boston.
“Oh, look at this one. I love it. She looks like she’s leaping from the photograph.”
I turn my attention to the photograph Maribel is speaking of. It’s a black-and-white of a hip-hop dancer. It makes me think of Ximena and how she tried to get me to mix ballet and hip-hop while we were in school together.
“Do you think you could do this for me?” I ask as I think of how Michael has never seen me dance.
“You mean for your husband, don’t you?”
“Yes, he did come to mind. I would like to gift him a photograph like this.”
“Sure, we can do that. I think it would be cool. Have you decided what you will do about him?”
I chew on my lip as I think her question over. Her words have been on my mind since we rode to her appointment and she asked me about Michael. Guilt rises as I remember not giving her the full truth.
“I don’t know what I will do,” I reply honestly.