Rumor has it that not all get this warning. You have to be a hit he takes personally. I snort. That bastard knows he can’t touch me.
I glance around quickly, just in case. Then I go to pull the note off the lapel of the suit jacket. The blood drains from my face as I read it.
There is more than one way to hush a problem. You can always be touched in some way. Never underestimate my reach again. You will never receive another warning.
I crumble the note in my palm and stomp out of the closet into my bedroom. Who the fuck does that motherfucker think he is? As I enter the room, a smile comes to my lips.
I could use a release. Fucking Regina into the mattress is just what I need. Seeing her blonde locks sprawled across the pillow makes me hard instantly.
“I’m glad you changed your mind, baby,” I croon as I drop my towel to the floor and move to climb into the bed with her.
I get under the sheets, not bothering to turn on the lights. Reaching to brush her hair away from her neck, I go to press my lips against her soft skin.
“I’m going to fuck you so good. I need to give it to you hard,” I growl and go to nuzzle her neck.
I pull my face away as something wet touches my skin. I swipe a hand across my face and rub my fingers together as something thick and sticky coats them.
“Gina?” I call as I go to brush my other hand over her hair.
I startle as her hair seems to shift on her head unnaturally. Quickly, I turn to switch on the bedside lamp. When I look toward Regina, I see it isn’t her at all.
“What the fuck?” I breathe as my mouth goes dry.
I grab the blonde wig and pull it off the man’s head. However, as I get it in my hand, I realize it’s no wig. I drop the scalp down on the bed and reach to turn the man beside me onto his back so I can get a look at him.
The body is stiff as a board. A sob tears through me as I realize it’s Elio’s lifeless body. His eyes have been plucked from his head, leaving hollow sockets.
I look from his body to the blonde hair now soaking the sheets. I knit my brows as what I’m looking at sinks in. There’s no fucking way.
“No, no, no,” I say as I pet the hair with a shaky hand.
He killed my best friend and scalped the woman I had planned to make my wife. I begin to sob silently, not able to make a sound. I have been robbed of all air.
The Answer Is No
After getting Sim settled in Boston, I decided I needed to make a trip to Italy for a quick visit. I intend to return and make sure she’s okay, but I need to make this trip now. I will not wait any longer to finish this deed.
Leonardo Trovati must go. He hasn’t made a sound since Michael paid him a special visit, but I’m not willing to believe that’s the end of it. We will hear from him again.
I need him to be hushed so that doesn’t happen. I will not be made to look over my shoulder. That hit in London was meant for me because the wanker doesn’t realize that I’m not the Donati Symphony is married to.
“Uri,” Don Alfanzo croons. “It’s good to see you. Come, come. LaSalle is here with me. We want to talk about the alliance while you’re here.”
I grunt and nod. I don’t know that I want to be involved in this alliance business. I told him before I would hear him out, but listening is the most I plan to do.
I follow him into the dining room, where food is spread out across the table. It all looks piping hot and smells delicious. LaSalle is already seated, as are Marco and D’Angelo Locatelli.
We all say our greetings and shake hands before sitting at the table. Don Locatelli gestures for me to take the seat at his left as LaSalle sits at his right. Marco is already at my right and D’Angelo is across from him.
“I was happy to receive your call. What can I do for you, Uri?” the don says.
“I want Leonardo Trovati’s head. I need you to give me clearance to take his life.”