I pull my gun and put a bullet through his head. All the others turn to look down at his lifeless body. I shrug and put the smoking gun down on my desk.
“Now he doesn’t have to worry about a suicide. Anyone else want some help meeting their maker?”
“No, we will get it done,” Elio replies for them all.
“Clean this shit up and all of you get out of my fucking face. Don’t come back until you have Donati’s head in a box and that little bitch in a bag beside him.”
“And your brother? What is the plan for him?”
“Don’t you worry about that. I will take care of him,” I say with a grin on my lips.
Back to America
A year later …
I took the test and played for the audition like Michael and Uri asked me to. Now I will be attending school here in America. I miss Michael already.
Uri and Annabella were the ones to bring me here. Michael had to tend to some business. I think I’m glad he wasn’t the one to bring me.
I wouldn’t have been able to say goodbye. Now that I know why I took the test, I would have failed it if I knew school would take me away from him. Looking around my new room, I don’t like anything about it.
I want to go back home. I swipe at my tears and continue to put my things away. I can’t help but wonder if Michael wanted to send me away because he’s twenty-one now.
I have turned sixteen, but nothing has changed between us. I’ve never kissed my husband, and I haven’t told him about my crush. I feel silly now that I’m here and he’s in Italy.
This place is so noisy. It’s not like our home in the countryside back in Italy. I don’t know if I will like Chicago. I will try my best to do well here, but I will long for home with each day.
“Ms. Symphony,” Adriano calls as he knocks on the door and peeks his head into the room.
I drop the jeans I just took from my suitcase and turn to look at him. He is the only one here that I know. Uri and Annabella have left to return home without me.
“Yes?” I whisper.
“Would you like to have dinner soon?”
“No. I don’t want to eat alone. I will skip dinner,” I murmur.
“You don’t have to eat alone, Ms. Symphony. I will eat with you if you like.”
“You don’t have to call me that. You are older than I am. My husband isn’t here to scold you. You can call me just Symphony or Sim.”
I give a wobbly smile as I say the name Michael gave me. I can’t help wondering what I did to make him send me so far away. There had to be a music school closer to my family.
They are the only friends I have and now I have no one. I shove my hands into my pockets to keep me from falling into old habits. I blow out a breath and sniffle.
“Come on downstairs, Sim. I will have dinner with you. You shouldn’t cry. This is a great opportunity for you. Michael only wants the best for you,” Adriano says gently.
I nod my head and slowly start from the room. I guess it is a great opportunity. I’m happy I will get to study music.
Adriano’s phone rings as he walks beside me. My ears perk up at the mention of Michael. I lick my suddenly dry lips as I try to listen in to the conversation.
“She’s right here. Would you like to speak with her?”
I don’t realize I’m holding my breath until Adriano hands me the phone. I take it clumsily and press it to my ear. I chide myself as I stand waiting for Michael to speak instead of letting him know I am on the line.