“I was going to ask you about that. What do you know of my work?”
“I am of the belief that you take care of bad men.”
“What makes you say this?” He tilts his head to the side as he studies me.
“You train a lot, and I have seen the weapons room. You are a professional at what you do, I believe.”
“You do understand that’s not something you should ever share with anyone. We wouldn’t want anyone to come and take me away from you.”
“I would never say a word. Your secret is safe with me. I will always protect our family.”
“Good girl.”
I preen from his praises. He winks at me. Finally, I snap my eyes to his.
I search his gaze to see if he’s angry with my words, but he looks more amused than anything. I figured out months ago that both Michael and Uri are some sort of hit men. This is why Nonno believes I will remain safe with them.
“Did your sheet music come in? How has your playing been going?”
“I love to play. The sheet music has arrived. It is wonderful.
“I have taught myself to read it and play. I also believe I’ve accomplished writing down the music in my head. I have composed my first piece,” I reply excitedly.
“I’m glad you are enjoying it so much. You will have to play it for me.”
“I would very much like that.”
“We are the only ones home. You can play it after we watch our movie.”
“Does my playing disturb the others?”
“No. Nico says it soothes him. Annabella has never complained. I love to listen.”
“I will still try to be more mindful of the hours I choose to practice.”
I make a mental note to begin to set hours for playing the piano. I can get so lost in the music and lose track of time. I would hate to annoy everyone.
“Do you think you would enjoy going to school for music?”
“Yes, yes, I would. I would like that. Is it something I would be able to do?”
“I am looking into options. We will see.”
“Thank you. I am quite excited now. There is still so much I want to know about music theory. I have ordered books with my allowance to learn more, but to go to school and learn would be amazing.”
He gives me a bright smile that lights up his gorgeous eyes and makes my heart skip a beat. I drop my gaze to his lips and wonder what it would be like to kiss him. Sweat begins to pour from my hands as I wish for my first kiss.
I wouldn’t know how to ask him for one. It is our anniversary, but I don’t believe he would be amiable to a kiss. I begin to chew on my lip as I try to think of the words to use to ask.
“How is school? Do you need anything? Are you having any more trouble with those girls?”
“My grades are still all A-plus. I have not had trouble with those girls. They have left me alone since I defended myself against Sandra.”
Something in his tone makes me wonder if those girls left me alone because I had to resort to violence or if Michael somehow stepped in. We talk more about school, my other interests, and how my day has been before we both finish our meal. When we finish, I clear away our plates as Michael goes into the butler’s pantry to pop us some popcorn.
We walk together to the theater with our bowl of popcorn. Michael allows me to pick our movie. I almost have a meltdown as I can’t decide what would be an appropriate movie for the both of us.