Page 109 of Hush 3: Hidden Family

This woman looks familiar in some way. Something about her eyes and coloring. I go to ask her if she needs help with something, but she lifts what I thought was a baby and I’m suddenly staring down the barrel of a gun.

“Oh my?—”




I wake, inhaling sharply as my phone rings on the nightstand. I bare my teeth and roll over to reach for the device. Why is it so hard to let me sleep?


“Michael, I’m so sorry. All I did was go to get us something to eat. I don’t know why she opened the door.

“She knew better than to open the door. Julissa is gone. They killed her.”

“They who? Were you followed? Was it the same men? Do they think they have murdered my wife?”

“I don’t know. They were gone when I got back. I found her with a close-range wound to the head. I’m so sorry.”

Adriano begins to ramble on in Italian, but I’m no longer hearing a thing he’s saying. Julissa didn’t deserve this. She probably would have been better off without my help.

They were after my Symphony. That bullet was meant for her. Rage fills me as I think of how Adriano could have failed my wife. This could be a very different call.

Suddenly, it dawns on me that Sim is no longer in the bed with me. Something feels off. I know something is wrong.

“I will call you back,” I say into the phone as I jump out of bed.

My gaze lands on her holster and my heart drops. She is always armed when she leaves the bedroom. It’s something I’ve come to tease her about.

It’s a habit I never realized we all have. What would make her leave this room unarmed? I don’t have time to figure it out. I rush through the house, looking for my wife.

When I get to the kitchen and find the refrigerator sitting wide open with a container of fruit spilled across the floor, panic fills me. I rush to the control room to watch the cameras back to see what the fuck happened. This is my fault.

We shouldn’t have come here with such a light staff. As I watch the video, I growl at the screens. An animalistic rage rises within me as I watch Sim beat the shit out of one guy until another comes up and tases her.

The asshole who tased her then picked her up and they left out of the garage exit from the kitchen. I slip into a darkness I have never known before. They entered my home and took my wife.

“They are all going to die.”


LaSalle has put his foot into his mouth. I can’t say I don’t understand his reaction to listening to his woman and son being attacked and feeling helpless. I do, but I know the way he handled things in front of everyone definitely didn’t help matters for him.

The problem is things have been set in motion. There is no turning back for any of us. If you have been seated, there is no turning back. This commitment has been sealed.

The bell has rung, and we will all be challenged for our role. From the moment Sam was named Don Locatelli, I could feel the shift in the air. I wasn’t surprised by the attack at all.

“I have had enough drama for a week and the day hasn’t even started here. I want to get my children in warm beds and find myself in one before I start shooting at people,” Val grumbles as I pull her into my arms and kiss her temple.

“I hear you, love. I could use some rest myself. Come, let’s get the kids into the car and head to the house.”

No sooner than the words leave my mouth, my phone begins to ring. I close my eyes and release a long, slow breath. Nothing good can come from a call at this hour.

I pull the phone from my pocket and see it’s Michael. I know he and Sim arrived with Val. However, they seem to have gone to the property rather than come here first.
