He treated me like I didn’t belong until I outdanced every dancer in the program. I worked harder than everyone else. I lived in the dance studio when I wasn’t practicing piano.

When the professor would try to change the routine mid-session to throw me off, I homed in my focus and picked up the changes before anyone else. It was exhausting at times.

I would return home and have a meltdown many days, but I showed him. I did my best like I always do. I became the best.

When I master something, I master it. Killing has been no different. Those men tonight were all bad men.

I knew what we were there to do, and I did it. I’ve been working on my own for nine years. Adriano rarely assisted me.

How dare Michael doubt me? This may not have been as controlled as I liked, but I was still able to handle it. I got it done.

“Bella, I can hear you cursing me out in your thoughts. I am sorry, Sim. Forgive me,” Michael says in my ear as he steps into the shower behind me and cups my soapy breasts.

He begins to kiss my neck as he kneads my mounds. I cling to my anger. This is important to me.

I want his respect. I have already stepped up in the last two weeks. I’ve demonstrated what I’ve been learning while working for the O’Sheas.

He goes from kissing to sucking while pinching my nipples. I fight a moan as I wish to keep my anger. I do my best to ignore him.

“You were amazing. I am sorry. I will never doubt you in anything ever again.”

Lifting one hand to my chin, he turns my face toward him and dips his head to take my lips. I don’t open my mouth to him. When I don’t, he squeezes my breast in one hand and wraps his other arm around my waist, pulling me tightly against him.

“Baby, please. We have lost so much time already. Let’s not spend more time being angry.”

“I have a right to my anger.”

“Yes, you do,” he says and kisses my lips. “I will do anything you want for me to make it up to you. Name it and it’s yours.”

I stand with my gaze on his chest. His growing erection is poking me in the leg. Through my anger, I’m still becoming wet for him as he roams his hands over my back and butt.



“I want a dance studio. I miss the one I had at the estate in Boston.”

“Would you like a new piano as well? The one you have been using is a rental. I should have realized Uri was up to something when he rented it.”

“Yes, I would like that too.”

“I will find us a house and I will give you your studio and piano.”

“We are leaving?”

He pinches my chin between his fingertips and waits for me to meet his gaze. Sadness fills me at the thought of moving from here. I like Val and I miss Uri.

“You don’t want to move into our own home?”

“No. I am finally surrounded by family. I want to stay here. Val is kind to me and Annabella is here. I like playing with the babies. I think they likes me.

“I would like to live here. Before I came, Uri said there was plenty of room here for us. I have learned that to be true. I wish to stay.”

“Then we will stay. I will discuss your studio with Uri and order your piano in the morning. Is there anything else that you would like?”

“I want to go on a proper date. We have never been on one.”

A huge smile comes to his face. He tightens his hold around me and kisses my forehead. My anger finally begins to melt away.