“Look at me, Symphony,” Uri says.
I turn my gaze to his and hold it. He gives a nod of his head and smiles. I reach for my band and pop it a few times. The sweet sting filters out all the anxiety that’s building.
“I know about your assassin operation. I have allowed it because Adriano believed it suited your needs and you’re good at it. While it’s not something we’ve allowed the women to do in the family, I’ve decided our family will make an exception.
“Michael may not feel the same, but I have someone in my life who’s proving the old ways wrong. Your work is professional and clean. Your decision-making shows wisdom.
“When I say I’m proud of you, Sim. I mean everything about you. I already know the truth.”
“Is that why he has never spent a dime? Because he ratted me out. Stinking buttface.” I seethe.
Uri roars with laughter. “Adriano cares for you. Maybe more than he should.”
“You’re not angry?”
“Why should I be? You have become who your grandfather has wanted. Michael has also exceeded the don’s wishes.
“I think I understand the plan he has had all along. I have fallen into a plan myself. I now understand the plotting and planning of old men. Sometimes it works out better than you can imagine.”
“I hope you are right.”
“I know I am. I just need you to decide if coming to New York and living with Michael is what you want.”
“Will he forgive me? Is that what he wants? I know about the woman he is seeing,” I murmur down at the countertop.
Uri leans over to kiss my forehead. I fight back the tears that burn the backs of my eyes. I was devastated to learn about this Julissa woman.
I hate her, but I can’t be mad at Michael. I ran away. Annabella has told me how upset Michael was.
“She doesn’t mean as much to him as you think. He has been losing himself without you. She has been a friend, but she can never remain in his life.
“Sleep on it, love. If coming home with me is what you want, I will make it happen. It is time.”
I finish my water and nod. I have a lot to think about. I will get in contact with Mrs. Mairettie. I’m tired of living here alone.
I am ready to face my destiny. I will not hide forever. Michael needs to know I’ve become like him. I can stay with him now.
“Try to go get some sleep, love. We will talk again before I leave.”
“Thank you, Uri.”
I get up and head back to my room. My ankle is a little tender, but I refuse to limp and cause Uri to worry about me. Especially now that I know he knows.
I’m going to kick Adriano’s butt. I thought I could trust him. Now I wonder how long Uri has known.
“Put it down, or I will blow your head off,” I growl as I pull my gun and spin to face the woman in my home.
She glares back at me through blue eyes set in a brown face. She has a gun pointed in my face as well. I cock my gun, letting her know I mean business.
“So Uri has a thing for women who carry guns,” she says calmly and tilts her head to the side. “At least you’re pretty. I would have been pissed if he were cheating with someone ugly.”
“What are you talking about? Why are you in my home?”
She cocks her gun. As she does, I notice her heavily swollen belly. Who is this woman to Uri?
“What the bloody fucking hell?” Uri barks as he enters the space.
I see him out of the corner of my eye, looking utterly shocked. The woman now looks pissed as he stands there in nothing but his holster and sleep pants. I’m confused, but I haven’t taken my gun off her.