“You misunderstand. It is not that your money isn’t good enough. It is that I don’t believe I have earned it. You do all the work. I only helped you get started.”

“You drive me to every job. You have kept my secrets. You tell me when you feel I should pass on a job. You were the one to get me in with the O’Shea family. You have earned it,” I say firmly.

“Connecticut is such an easy place to travel through. I will get you to rehearsal early this evening, or do you wish to make a stop?”

“Traffic will make us late if I deviate from the scheduled course. I will go straight to rehearsal. I can shower there and be on time.”

“As you wish, boss.”

I grumble under my breath. I have not missed his avoidance. We will discuss this at a later time.


APeace Offering


“To what do I owe this visit, mate?” I ask as Sam Mairettie appears in my club.

I sit back in my private booth and spread my arms across the back of the plush booth seat. I came down to the main floor to monitor a situation that got my attention from upstairs. Once the wanker saw me enter the main floor, he and his mates left my establishment.

I decided to sit for a bit and let my presence be known. I wasn’t expecting to see this guy walk into my club. He’s actually the last face I expected to see.

I’ve been keeping my distance from the Locatelli family since I was denied the right to hush Leonardo Trovati. I have nothing else to say to them. I’m not into underworld politics.

I don’t have it in me to play nice with everyone. Especially when I’m the only one required to make concessions. However, he has come all this way, so I will listen at least.

He lifts his hand and beckons one of his men forward. Being a capo looks good on him. I see before me more than the pompous, wet behind the ears, entitled boy who tried to establish his rank when I first met him.

This man standing in my club tonight might earn my full respect someday. His reputation has paved the way so far. However, it will be his character that seals the deal with me.

“I come with a gift from me to you. You might want to open it under a little privacy,” he says as his guy holds up a gold case.

I tilt my head to the side curiously. I’ve heard about LaSalle and his golden gift boxes. I too, have an affinity for the flair of sending such gifts. If I’m right, his words of warning hold validity.

“Come, we will go up to my office. We will have privacy there. Choose only one of your men to follow. You will both be disarmed before we reach the office suite. Choose wisely,” I say and stand, buttoning my suit jacket.

To my surprise, he takes the gold case and gestures with his head for his man to leave. He then follows me, leaving both men who arrived with him behind. Ballsy, I’ll give him that.

That or he doesn’t have the proper amount of fear toward me. I get the feeling it might be a bit of both, given those I’ve heard he keeps company with. Sam Mairettie and I keep some of the same company if you look in from a distance. Or should I say LaSalle Locatelli?

I get the feeling that’s who I’m dealing with tonight. We make our way into my office, and I offer him a seat. He moves to the sitting area and sits on the couch, placing the case down on the table.

I move to the bar and go to pour myself a drink. I’m in a scotch sort of mood. I pour two fingers and turn to hold the bottle up in offering.

He shrugs. “Why not?”

I grab another glass and the bottle then head over to join him. I pour him a drink and sit back with mine. I eye the case out the corner of my eye suspiciously but make no rush to reach for it.

“What is this about, LaSalle?” I ask as I glare at him.

“May I?” He points at the bottle for another drink.

“Drink up. I assume you’ve come as a friend. Drink like one, mate.”

“I have come as a friend. A friend who you can feel welcome to call on. I brought you something I believe you were on your way to collect.”

Now my curiosity is piqued. I reach for the case and turn it to me. The craftsmanship of the gold case-like box is stunning.