Page 111 of Hush 3: Hidden Family

“That is my fault. I should never have trusted the bastard or his word. Especially not after he begged to keep you after he killed your mother for me. I should have known then he was a fucking liar,” the man continues.

His words set my blood on fire. My chest is heaving, and my nostrils are flaring. However, I remain silent.

“Imagine my luck to have my men find you now in the home of the man I planned to have killed,” he continues and chuckles.

“Looks like you pissed her off, boss,” says the man standing in front of me with one arm folded across his chest as he holds a gun in the other.

His face is all bruised and all the blood vessels in one eye are broken. I note that he’s holding his arm to cradle it. From the looks of him, he’s the one who grabbed me in the kitchen.

“I’d shut your mouth before she kicks your ass again,” the man who looks like Nonno snorts in Italian.

“She got lucky, I slipped on the fruit she dropped,” the jerkface says.

“Sure,” I scoff under my breath.

“So you do understand us, good. My English is so-so,” the guy on the platform says as he gestures with his hand. “I can speak, but I don’t like it.”

“Say whatever you like, however you like, I don’t care,” I reply in Italian.

“Once I found out you have been in America all this time, I wasn’t sure what language you would understand. It is not like you are Italian, you know. This is the main reason I don’t know why my brother thinks he can do what he has planned.

“I wasn’t even sure you could speak at all from what Morgan told me. A woman, aritardare, and what do they call them in America? Ah,sì, amoulinyan.Alessio must be out of his mind to think you are more deserving of our family than I am.”

“I’m sorry you are so misinformed. Allow me to tell you who I really am. I’m a woman, a killer, and the Afro-Latina who’s going to take your life right before I take my place at the head of the Trovati family. Call me a retard again and I’m going to make your death painfully slower than I already plan to,” I bite out in Italian to make sure he understands me.

He roars with laughter as if I told some joke. I can assure him I meant every word. He is going to die.

“Do you know who I am?” he scoffs. “What do these words you speak mean to me?”

I shrug my aching shoulders. “I don’t care who you are. No one will mourn you. They won’t even recognize you to bury your body.

“Don’t worry. I will make sure you have a headstone. It will read Leonardo Trovati, the murderer who earned his death.”

“Ah, so you do know who I am. Good, I wanted you to know who killed you. I also want you to know why I’m going to take your life mercilessly,” he says with a smile.

“You talk too much.”

“Men who have things to say speak as they need to.”

“I don’t care for your voice, and I don’t need to hear your words. Keep talking and I will cut your tongue out and have it made into the platforms of my slippers for me to dance on your filthy words.”

“Oh, I think I like you. What a pity. Your impostor husband murdered two people who were important to me.

“Now I plan to return the favor and record it so he can watch it over and over again. You understand this, no? You are going to die because they couldn’t keep you safe. And because my brother tried to give you something that never should have been yours.” He seethes, spit flying from his mouth.

I laugh from deep in my belly. The only one here who’s going to die will be him and his men. I don’t make promises I don’t keep.

Just as I get my other wrist free, I drop my eyes to the ground as a thought fills my head. I was so angry with Michael, but I know one thing for sure. He will always protect me.

My family has protected me since the day they came to rescue me from that bad man. Michael has told me of his dark times and all the things he has done to keep me safe. He has killed for me numerous times and never with kindness or mercy—not like the kills we have done together.

A smirk takes over my lips as I look up through my lashes. While this jerk has been talking, I have been plotting an escape of my own. But my family will be here, my husband will come for me.

“You don’t believe your words. I can smell your fear from here. You are trying to decide what your options are from this moment forward. Let me help you.

“You can unchain me, and I will slaughter you with kindness. I will even hum as I do so. Or you can keep me here and allow my family to come for you.

“They will not be so kind. You will learn why no one has ever been able to differentiate between the two. Why you all believe there is only one savage with the name Hush.