“If that’s what you want.”
Again, he caught my gaze and locked it down. “Is that what you want?”
I was saved from responding when Clara and Jake approached. Roman and Jake were acquainted through his brother, Jeremy, so no introductions were necessary. Jake and Roman caught up with each other while Clara and I roamed the outskirts of the room to check out the auction items.
“Have you bid on anything yet?” I asked.
“Yes, but I’m not going to jinx it by telling you.” She quickly changed the subject. “You and Roman looked like you’ve turned a corner in your relationship. It seemed we interrupted something.”
“You didn’t. He was just declaring what good friends we’re going to be. It’s great—exactly what should happen.”
“That is absolutely ideal,” Clara agreed. “Jake and Carly are the best co-parents because they’re friends. It can work really well if you want it to.”
“I do want it to.”
We caught up to Bea and were chatting with her when I glanced to my side, catching sight of Roman standing by the bar, speaking to a tall, pretty brunette. Her hand was on his arm, and he was leaning toward her with familiarity. I didn’t know who she was, but they looked nice together. She was neither plain nor icy. Her smile was wide, stunning, and Roman answered it with one just as beautiful.
“Who’s that?” Bea asked.
“I don’t know,” I replied. “She’s pretty, though.”
“In an obvious sort of way,” Bea replied.
Clara chuffed. “You say that like obvious beauty is a bad thing.”
“I guess it’s not, but she’s notmytype.” Bea crossed her arms and glared at the woman who had done nothing wrong except be pretty and stand near Roman. “What’s so funny? Why is he laughing?”
“You have no reason to be bitchy,” I said.
Bea scoffed. “There’salwaysa reason to be bitchy. In my opinion, it’s tacky for Roman to be flirting openly in front of the mother of his child. Do that behind bars.”
Clara laughed. “You mean behind closed doors.”
Bea arched an eyebrow. “Do I?”
As if sensing we were talking about him, Roman straightened and scanned the room, his eyes landing on me in moments. He smiled, but I averted my gaze. It wasn’t fair how off-balance he managed to make me.
One day, my heart wouldn’t pitter-patter every time Roman looked at me.
Today wasn’t that day.
Chapter Twenty-two
“I want to meether.” Rosalie put her hand on my arm, trying to tug me toward Shira.
“Some other time. She’s working right now, and she’s not one for surprise meetings. She needs a little time to prepare.”
Rosalie was Nate’s ex-girlfriend. They’d been broken up for nearly two years, but before that, she’d been part of the family. Them not working out meant I saw her a lot less these days, but I was always happy to run into her.
“Oh my goodness. Is she shy?”
“She is.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet. How does she handle four rowdy Wells boys?”
“Surprisingly well. Ben cracked her shell first.”