Page 39 of By the Letter

“You look beautiful,” I said.

Kit’s cheeks flushed a pretty rose. “Thank you, Shira. Are you going to see Dr. Sharma?”

Without thought, my hand went to my barely-there bump. It wasn’t visible in clothing yet, but when I looked at myself in the mirror, I could see the soft curve in my lower abdomen—probably more so thanks to my steady diet of pastries and smoothies.

But maybe it was a little bit the baby too.

“I am,” I confirmed.

Kit gasped. “You’re expecting?”

“Yes. I’m fifteen and a half weeks along.”

“Wow. That’s amazing news. We can be pregnant together. Well…for the next ten weeks, but you know what I mean.”

I laughed. “I do know.”

Elliot reached out and pulled the door open. “Since we’re all going to the same place, let’s continue this conversation on the way there.”

Kit sniffed. “Bossy.”

“That’s right, Catherine. I am,” Elliot murmured as he guided her into the building. He held the door for me too, ushering me in after.

As we waited for the elevator, Kit turned to me. “How have you been feeling?”

“The first trimester was terrible. I had hyperemesis and had to be hospitalized for a night.” I shuddered at the memories ofconstant nausea. I still had bouts, but it was now once a day instead of once an hour. “Fortunately, since I left GoldMed and have had time to rest, I’m feeling much better.”

She winced. “I heard some of what happened. Roman Wells is a bastard. I told Elliot he should cancel his lease for what he did to you.”

“And I told you I would if you truly meant it,” he intoned, never taking his eyes off his wife.

She huffed. “I don’t know if I do. What do you think?”

I grinned. “I’m pleased you want to stick up for me, but Roman’s a small part of GoldMed. I’d rather not hurt the rest of the employees just to spite him.”

Her brow winged. “Fine, okay. Whatwouldyou do to spite him?”

“Don’t they say living well is the best revenge?”

“Maybe.” She accepted my response but didn’t seem satisfied with it. Pregnancy had made her bloodthirsty.

The elevator arrived, and Kit and I stepped in. Once again, Elliot made sure we were both inside before he joined us. He pressed the button for the twelfth floor and moved to the back of the elevator, giving us room to continue our conversation.

Kit rested her hand on top of her bump and studied me thoughtfully. “I’ve been considering bringing on a partner at Building Dignity.”

“Not considering,” Elliot mumbled. “You will be doing it.”

She crinkled her nose at me. “With the imminent arrival of Baby Levy number three, my husband is insisting I take on less work, which is impossible since I’m essentially a one-woman show. I have an assistant and someone who runs the numbers, but everything else is on me. Now, my gears are turning, and I’m wondering if you would be interested in partnering with me. I know Building Dignity is just as important to you—”

“As a volunteer?” I asked, trying to keep myself from becoming too excited. But my toes were curling in my shoes, so it was too late.

“Apartner,Shira. I think we’d work really well together. And look, I’m slowing things down in preparation for my maternity leave, so if you come on board now, it won’t be a heavy load like it has been for me.”

“Too heavy,” Elliot groused.

The elevator doors opened, and Elliot put his arm out to allow us through, then quietly followed.

“What do you think?” Kit pressed.