Page 2 of By the Letter

Oh god.

My thighs pressed together as arousal surged to my core.

“That’s me.” If she heard the quiver in my response, she didn’t react. Trembles rolled through my limbs, forcing me to press myhand to the wall beside me for support. How was I going to go through with this when just the barest mention of Wim made my knees weak?

Because I need this.

One night, when it didn’t matter what I looked like or who I was. Where I didn’t have to talk or think or wonder if I was doing the right thing. A few hours of human touch, pleasure, a physical connection. Oh, how I needed this.

“I knew it. I’m Samantha. You are going to have so much fun.” She took my hand and squeezed it. “Room ten is ready for you. Are you ready for it?”

“No.” I closed my eyes and swallowed hard. I’d come here for this. Ineededit. “I mean, yes. I think so.”

“Then come with me.”

She kept my hand in hers, leading me through the club. The lounge was dimly lit and luxuriously appointed. Couples and groups were scattered around. No one was having sex, but there was an overt erotic flavor to the atmosphere as if everyone was on edge but dragging out the anticipation until it reached its peak.

“You’re going to love this, Goldie. I haven’t been in room ten, but I’ve heard stories. It sounds delightful.”

I breathed a laugh. “Delightful?”

“Mmhmm.” We turned down a hallway with padded leather walls and several closed doors. “To be freely used…usually, I’m more of a participant, but I wouldn’t mind someone bending me over and taking what they want every once in a while.”

Before I could come up with an appropriate response—wasthere an appropriate response?—we came to a stop in front of a black door emblazoned with a large, white ten.

Samantha unlocked the door and pushed it open. “Your evening awaits, Goldie.” Her brows waggled. “Have the time of your life, darling.”

When I didn’t move, she laughed, shoved me hard enough to get me going, then closed the door behind me.

I was all alone, with sweaty palms and wet panties.

Room ten looked like a studio apartment decked in mood lighting. Flickering electric candles flanked a king-size bed with a grand iron headboard. The other half of the room was a living area with even more electric candles on every hard surface surrounding a couch, armchair, and coffee table. There was even a small, sturdy dining table that hooked my attention. Well, not the table, but what was on top of it.

A gold mask and a slip of paper.

Trailing a finger over the smooth surface of the mask, I picked up the note.


I can’t wait to see you.

Put the mask on and relax on the couch. I’ll be there soon.


A quiver vibrated my belly. He’d touched this paper. This was his handwriting. Without thinking, I rubbed it against my cheek and down my chest.

Wim and I had talked about how tonight would go over the app. Consent was important to him, and in a situation like this, we both needed to be on the same wavelength before we even met.

WhenInRome:We won’t talk. I’ll do what I want with you.

Goldie:Will you hurt me?

WhenInRome:Never. But I won’t ask permission. You’re going to give it to me now, but you have the power to revoke it. All you have to do is tell me to stop.