Page 120 of By the Letter

Plus, my kid was really fucking cute.

Shira nuzzled her nose into the side of my neck. “Do you think we could press pause on the Ben and Jonah show for a while?”

Tossing the tablet aside, I shifted so I could grab her and pull her into my lap, right where I wanted her. She smelled like sunshine and chlorine from her dip in the private lap pooloutside our villa, and miles of her skin were on display in the white bikini I’d bought her for this trip.

Shira wasn’t a bikini girl on a normal basis, but she didn’t mind wearing one when it was just the two of us, which was exactly why I’d booked this resort. Five solid days of my wife walking around in next to nothing, showing off her pregnant belly. I was feeling pretty damn good about this decision.

I spread my hand on her bump and dipped to pull her bottom lip between my teeth. “You have my full attention, baby. What are you going to do with it?”

“I was thinking of a walk on the beach, but now I’m wondering if you have a better idea.”

“We can do that…later.” I dragged the cup of her top sideways until her nipple popped out. “There’s no way I can see you in this bikini and not need to be inside you.”

“Then it’s a good thing I’ll only wear it on vacation. Otherwise, we’d never get anything done.”

Lifting her nipple to my mouth, I swirled my tongue around the tight point. “You’re damn right, baby.”

It wasn’t just the bikini that had me salivating over her. Shira turned me on like no other on a regular basis, but pregnant with my baby? I went hard just looking at her swollen tits and rounded belly blooming with life. Luckily for me, my insatiable desire aligned with her increased need to be fucked.

Even with a toddler at home, we managed to make time, but since we’d arrived at the resort two days ago, we’d been going at each other like rabid animals.

It wasn’t hard to believe we matched in this area, given how we met. Shira still liked for me to take her without asking, to move her into positions I wanted and give her what I thought she needed. Knowing and loving each other on a soul-deep level hadn’t changed the fire between us. What had changed was my wife now being able to voice her desires. She told me when shewanted to play, and if she wanted to try something different, she wasn’t shy about communicating that.

I loved that I got that part of her. Shira would always be reserved and nervous in social settings, but my steadfast love for her had gotten her to a place of comfort with me. She knew she was safe, adored, and important.

That meant Shira had become free with her voice, confident enough to tell me she loved me for no reason other than she did. She asked me questions about my work and was transparent in her admiration for my accomplishments. Over time, I’d stopped waiting for her to tire of me and leave. There wasn’t another shoe waiting to drop. We were for life.

Before we went to dinner, we video-called Jonah and Ben. Jonah was only two, but he was adding to his vocabulary every day. He’d spent the last few minutes showing his mom and me each of his toys and naming them.

Shira was rapt, encouraging him to continue, praising him each time he put a toy in front of the screen. I knew my wife, and she meant it. She thought every little thing Jonah did was amazing, and she always let him know.

“What’s that one called?” she asked.

Jonah’s brow furrowed as he considered the stuffed animal in his clutches. “That’s a effant!”

“That’s right,” she cooed. “It’s an elephant. What’s an elephant say?”

Jonah turned his arm into a trunk and trumpeted for his mother and me before running off to gather more toys.

Ben’s face filled the screen. “Your kid is a maniac. He’s going to bed at seven—I’ll be going to bed at seven oh five.”

Shira snorted a laugh. “Considering you live next door and we see you almost every day, I’m pretty certain you were well aware of what a busy bee he is, yet you volunteered to watch him anyway.”

We’d never sold Shira’s house after she moved in with me, and Ben had started spending more and more nights there. Eventually, he’d moved all his things there and hadn’t left. I was lucky to have a wife who understood my bond with my twin, and luckier still that Ben could read the room for the most part and gave us privacy when we needed it. He might not live next door to us forever, but for now, it worked well for all of us.

Ben palmed the top of Jonah’s head when he returned and flashed us a wide grin. “Did I say I didn’t like it? As a maniac myself, we get along swimmingly.”

We talked for a few more minutes until Jonah waved, said, “Bye-bye,” then scampered away. He liked us well enough, but when Uncle Benny was around, he was happy as a clam.

After the call, we strolled through the resort toward our dinner location by the beach. A Caribbean breeze lifted Shira’s hair, strands floating around her face and neck. I brought our joined hands to my mouth and kissed the back of hers.

“How does this babymoon compare to your first?” I asked her.

“Two very different experiences, honey. Having a girls’ weekend was what my soul needed then. Having time alone with you is exactly what I need now. No phones, no work, no brothers popping in. This is perfect, don’t you think?”

“I do think.” I brushed her shoulder with my arm. “Do the brothers pop in too often?”

“No. I would have told you if it was too much. I love that we have a family that pops in. I never thought I’d have that. It’s kind of the best.”