Nate scowled. “Nothing’s too heavy for me.”
Another wave of pain hit me, like a band tightening around my stomach. My hand shot out, bracing on the wall as I attempted to breathe through it. This one smarted far more than the others had, and it seemed endless.
Eventually, it eased, and I could breathe again. Straightening, I looked up, gasping when I found Ben right in front of me, a deep frown on his face.
He wagged his finger in a circle near my middle. “What was that?”
I rolled my lips together and shook my head. “Nothing.”
He narrowed his eyes. “It was a contraction, wasn’t it?”
“Maybe.” I bit my bottom lip. “Probably.”
Roman whipped around, alarm widening his eyes. “You’re having contractions? How long?”
“They’re not consistent yet,” I replied.
He stalked over to me, taking me by the shoulders. “How long, Shira?”
“My back started hurting last night—”
“Last night?” he yelped. “What are we doing here? We need to get you to the hospital.”
Ben ran for the door, waving his keys over his head. “I’ll get the car!”
Adrian strode for the stairs. “I’ll grab the bag.”
Nate glanced around the room. “Uh…is there something I can do?”
I grabbed Roman’s wrists. “It’s too soon. They’ll just send me home.”
“Then they send you home.” He cupped my jaw. “I’ll give you almost anything, but not this. I need Dr. Sharma to check you out, make sure you and Beanie are doing well. All right? For me?”
He sounded so sweet, but beneath it was a sharp edge of panic. I knew he would be like this, which was why I’d kept my contractions to myself. But now, he was pleading for me to make him feel comfortable, and I couldn’t deny him that.
“Okay. We’ll go get checked out.”
He exhaled, his forehead falling to the top of my head. “Thank you, Goldie. If she sends us home, we’ll stop for donuts or cookies. Whatever you want.”
I laughed. “Don’t think I won’t take you up on that.”
A horn beeped frantically outside at the same time Adrian raced down the stairs with my hospital bag.
Roman’s mouth hitched. “Looks like it’s time to go.”
I slipped my hand in his. “Let’s go then.”
I had no doubt we’d be back here in an hour or two. With cookies. Lots and lots of cookies.
Chapter Forty
Shira blinked up atme from her hospital bed. I folded my arms, glaring down at her.
“Seven centimeters.”
Her lashes fluttered as she gave me a wobbly smile. “So maybe my back ache had been the start of labor.”