Page 97 of By the Letter

He tipped his head down to put his lips close to my ear. “Don’t forget it. Not even for a second.”

I wouldn’t be able to. No one had ever said anything like that to me before. No one had ever touched me reverently or cared for me the way Roman did. I wouldn’t be able to forget any of that.

That was the problem.

Chapter Thirty-three



Mary licked my hand with her little sandpaper tongue this morning. Is the world coming to an end? I hope not. Too many good things are yet to come. Mary was probably just celebrating me leaving town.

Is it sad to say I’ll miss her? I fear we’re in a toxic relationship and I’ve come to like her abuse.

I’m going to miss you the most. Send me regular updates on you and Beanie. If you think it’s too much, it’s not enough. I want pictures and videos. Everything.

Adrian will be by in the morning to take care of the litter. You can avoid him. He expects it. It won’t hurt the few feelings he has.

I’ll be back as soon as I can. Trying to channel you and do some good.



Despite what Roman had said in the note he’d left me the morning he’d flown to Chicago, avoiding his brother when he was in my house didn’t feel right. So, Monday morning, I put on my robe and padded downstairs to greet Adrian when he showed up.

He was washing his hands when I made it into the kitchen.

“Good morning,” I chirped, infusing all the cheerfulness I contained in my body. Adrian made me nervous, but I wouldn’t allow it to show. This was my chance to truly enact mykill-’em-with-kindnessgame plan. I wasn’t going to blow it.

Adrian whirled around, his hands dripping water on the floor. He looked at me, his jaw flexed, then he turned back to the sink, shutting it off.

“Litter’s taken care of,” he grunted. “Breakfast’s on the counter. Everything good?”

He didn’t look at me as he asked this, so I peeked in the bakery bag he’d left for me. A mango tart and a lemon bar waited for me inside.

I sucked in a breath and tried the cheerful thing again. “This looks delicious. Thanks so much, Adrian. Would you care to join me for breakfast? I don’t need both—”

“If there’s nothing else you need, I have to go.” He dried his hands off on his pants. “I’ll be back in the morning.”

Before I could say another word, Adrian strode out of my house, leaving me flabbergasted.

Maybe he really was in a hurry. Maybe he had somewhere to be. Adrian was pretty curt in general. There was a chance it wasn’t personal.

Yeah, right.

All I could do was keep trying. Tomorrow was another day.

Roman:It’s strange waking up and not heading to your house. I think I’ve gotten used to you, Shira.

Me:I don’t know if that sounds like a good thing.

Roman:It’s a good thing when I’m there. It’s a fucking nuisance when I’m far away and cannot engage in my routine. I’ve been off-kilter all day.

Me:Who knew cleaning a litter box could be the thing that balances you?

Roman:You’re cute, baby, but that’s not it and you know it.