Page 88 of By the Letter

I swiveled my head between them. “You know what I am going to hold a grudge about? If we don’t immediately return to that bakery we passed on the way here so I can consume my weight in chocolate chip cookies, I’ll be absolutely pissed until the end of time.”

Luckily for us, the bakery was still open when we arrived. Even luckier, no one said a word when I bought every last cookie left in the case and didn’t share a single one.

Chapter Thirty


Me:I woke up covered in cookie crumbs.

Roman:Why do I find that cute?

Me:It really isn’t cute. Your son is ravenous. I’m afraid he’s going to be ten pounds when he’s born.

Roman:Ade was nine pounds. You should see his baby pictures. He was rotund.

Me:That isn’t making me feel better!

Roman:I’m sorry, baby. Your body is amazing, though. Have you seen how beautifully you’re growing our son? You can handle anything.

Me:I can’t cry. It’s too early in the morning for tears. Thank you for saying that.

Roman:You’re not allowed to cry, Shira. I thought I made that a rule.

Me:Then don’t be sweet, Roman.

Roman:I’m only stating facts.


My head lolled againstthe seat of Clara’s car. I couldn’t remember a time I’d been so utterly relaxed. We’d spent the day at the spa. Every part of me had been rubbed, masked, scrubbed, and pampered, and my muscles were jelly.

Bea twisted around from the front seat to look at me. “You can’t fall asleep.”

“Just for a minute,” I mumbled.

“Nope. We have reservations. No time for napping. Besides, your hair looks too good to mess it up on a pillow.”

I huffed but forced myself to sit up. She had a point. After all my spa treatments, I’d gotten my hair blown out and my makeup done for the fancy dinner Clara had arranged for us. We were on the way back to the house to get changed, then we’d be off again.

“Fine. I’ll stay awake, but I won’t like it.”

Bea exchanged glances with Clara. “She’s sassy when she’s pregnant,” Bea stated.

“Very sassy,” Clara agreed. “I like it a lot.”

“That goes without saying,” Bea replied.

I waved at them. “Hello. I’m right here.”

Clara giggled. “Sassy.”

I wasn’t sassy. What I was was happy. The last two days had been exactly what I needed. Solid time with my best friends with no responsibilities away from the outside world. To myself, I could admit I was relieved to have some time away from Roman too.

I liked him, and I’d gotten used to falling asleep with his arms around me. Once Beanie was here and things went back to normal, I would miss that terribly. So, space was good and very much needed in order for me to collect my feelings and tuck them away in a jar stored in a far corner of my heart.

When we arrived at the house, Bea and Clara corralled me in front of them, which was strange, but I shrugged it off and went inside.

I very nearly peed my pants when a cacophony of voices yelled, “Surprise!”