Page 10 of Warped

Then I remember. When I set up my profile on the WarpSeekers website, I signed an online waiver agreeing to a pre-flight check up. It grants the warpers the right to examine a prospective companion’s body to make sure she’s capable of meeting their needs. Apparently things get pretty hot and heavy after a ship goes through the Warpgate. If a companion isn’t fully compatible with her warpers, it could be… problematic.

A deep voice rumbles behind me, making me jump.

“That’s right. TheTest.”

Traven has emerged from the closet, and he’s exchanged his towel for a pair of black leather pants that fit so tight I can see all his muscles flexing underneath.

I can see his cock too, long and hard and angled down one side of his pants, like a badly concealed weapon.

He’s wearing gloves too.

Traven walks over next to Rek, crosses his massive arms in front of his bare chest, and scowls down at me.

“Well,” he says. “What are you waiting for, woman? Strip.”

Rek looks at his partner with a sigh of exasperation.

“Bro, just because this is a business arrangement, doesn’t mean you have to be a dick about it.” He turns his attention back to me and softens his gaze. “Binx, before we do anything else, we should probably discuss the birth control situation.”

I try not to let myself blush. It’s not the question I’m embarrassed by. It’s the implication of it. These two men aren’t just going to have sex with me. They’re going to come inside me too. I don’t even know them, we’re practically strangers, but I’m going to let them fill me with their seed over and over again.

“I’m on the patch,” I tell them.

It’s one of the first true things I’ve said to these men, but even this is tinged with a lie of omission. They probably think I’m on birth control because I’m a Warp companion, but that isn’t exactly the case.

I started wearing the patch because of my boyfriend.

Myex-boyfriend now.

God, what would Stanley think if he could see me now, sitting on the bed where I’m soon to be shared by two Warp-touched men? I can practically hear all the horrible things he would say to me. He would call me a slut, a whore, a fallen woman.

Maybe he would be right.

But I don’t care what that jerk thinks anymore. He didn’t just betrayme. As far as I’m concerned, he betrayed the whole damn human race. The fact that I actually slept with a creep like that makes me sick to my stomach.

It just goes to show, you can never really trust anybody.

Apparently, that’s a lesson Traven has already taken to heart because he doesn’t seem willing to take my word about the patch.

“Show us,” he growls.

There’s no good way to do that without showing them everything else I’ve got on, so I take a deep breath to steady my nerves. Then I stand up from the bed and open my trench coat.

The two men rumble approvingly when they see what I’ve got on underneath.

Or perhaps I should say, what I’mdon’thave on.

All I’m wearing under my coat is a lacy black bra and a matching pair of thong panties. It was the best I could come up with on such short notice. After the crap hit the fan yesterday, I couldn’t go back to my apartment for fear that someone would be waiting for me. I also knew that the boring work clothes I had on would not be appropriate for a Warp companion. So I bought this lacy black number at a shop not far from the club where I met Rek. Same place I bought my suitcase and trench coat, actually.

I was worried the outfit might be overkill, but Rek and Traven don’t seem to have any complaints. Their eyes are locked on my body like a pair of wolves staring down their prey. I don’t think either one of them has even noticed the birth control patch on my shoulder, which is the whole reason I took my coat off in the first place.

“Keep going,” Traven growls.

This time, Rek doesn’t say anything to calm his feral friend. As a matter of fact, I don’t think he even heard him. His attention is completely focused on me.

I lay the trench coat on the bed behind me. Then I start to remove my underwear. My trembling fingers struggle with the hooks of my bra, but after a moment I manage to get it unfastened, and I let the cups fall away from my chest. My instinct is to cover myself, but I know I mustn’t do that, so I keep my hands down by my sides, and I let the men get an eyeful of my bare breasts and erect nipples. My heart is pumping hard and fast inside me.

Traven grabs his crotch and starts to massage his hard shaft through the leathery material of his pants.