Page 82 of Warped

I would like to, but I don’t think anyone has a mirror handy, and I’m not quite ready to get out of bed just yet.

“First, can you share me one more time?” I ask.

“Anything you want,” Rek says, and he kisses me deeply. “Your wish is our command.”


One standard cycle later…

Iam woken in the middle of the night by a tiny voice.

A cycle ago, it would have been Binx who was waking me up like this, begging me and Traven to breed her. Sometimes she wouldn’t even use her voice to rouse me from my slumber. I would simply wake up with my hard cock in her mouth and her head bobbing up and down beneath the sheets. The little sneak got so good at it, sometimes I wouldn’t even wake up until after I had already come. She even did that to Traven a few times, and it always earned her a hard spanking, followed by an even harder fucking.

But the voice that wakes me tonight is not Binx’s. It’s a voice that is even tinier and sweeter, and it communicates a need that is far more innocent in nature.

“I’ll go,” Binx says drowsily beside me. “It’s my turn.”

I kiss her on the forehead.

“Sweetheart, you know we don’t do turns. I’ll go.”

I sit up and roll out of bed, but Binx still comes following after me, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“I’d better come anyway,” she says. “She’s probably crying ’cause she’s hungry.”

Binx pulls on her silk robe, I pull on a pair of sweats, and we head out into the hall with its floor-to-ceiling windows that offer an amazing view of the city skyline outside. Our penthousecondo takes up the entire top floor of our building, which is located in the heart of one of Caldera’s biggest cities. The place is worth a small fortune, but we got it for a song. No property tax either. One of the many perks that come when you save an entire planet from destruction.

The Nomadis still zipping around the Warp, but me and Traven are no longer at the helm, at least not for the time being. A few months back, we started loaning it out to a pair of younger warpers who couldn’t afford their own ship. They pay us a small but reasonable cut of their earnings. Me and Traven handle the whole business end of things, the youngsters get the cargo where it needs to go. It’s worked out well so far. So well, in fact, that we’ve decided to start our own little Warp-shipping company. So far, we’ve got five ships in our fleet, but we’re growing every day, and business is booming.

The reason for these changes is the same reason Binx and I are awake at this ungodly hour. Her name is Olivia, and she’s just a little over two months old.

She’s the cutest thing any of us has ever seen.

We arrive at the nursery to discover that Traven has already beaten us to the punch. Of course, we both figured that was the case since he wasn’t in bed with us when we woke up a minute ago. He’s standing next to Olivia’s cradle, holding our little infant daughter in his arms. She looks tiny in Traven’s arms, even though she was born a pudgy eight pounds five ounces, and she’s only gotten bigger since then. Binx weathered the labor like a champ. The doctor said she was the toughest first-time mother he’d ever seen. Binx credited our training for helping prepare her to pass such a large object through her birth canal.

“How did you get here so fast?” Binx whispers as she walks over to where Traven is standing, rocking our baby. “Ollie wasn’t crying for long, was she?”

Traven smiles and shakes his head.

“No,” he says. “I’d just come in here to watch her sleep. Guess I dozed off.”

He nods to the big padded easy chair next to the cradle. Even though we’ve only had that chair for about three months, the cushions are already well worn, mostly from Traven’s heavy ass.

“No wonder she was crying,” I chuckle. “She woke up to find a monster in her room.”

I don’t have to tell Traven that I’m joking. After all the time we’ve spent together, he knows what I’m thinking almost as soon as I do. Sometimes sooner. The truth is, little Ollie is obviously comforted by her giant father’s presence. She hasn’t stopped crying completely, but her cries are already softer and less plaintive now that she’s safe in his arms. There’s no doubt about it, our daughter is a daddy’s girl.

But, there are some things even her daddy can’t give her.

“I checked her diaper,” he says. “She’s clean. I think she’s just a little hungry is all.”

He hands off the baby to Binx, and she carries her over to the chair to feed her. Ollie coos softly as she gets a latch, then she grows quiet as she drinks from her momma’s breast.

“You guys can go back to bed if you want,” Binx says. “I’ll put Ollie down after I’ve fed her.”

“You know we like to watch, sweetheart.”

“Weirdos,” she says, but her smile indicates that she doesn’t really mind. If anything, she’s just giving Traven an excuse to spank her later.