Her eyes get a little wider.
“Have you discussed this with Rek?”
“Don’t need to. I know how Rek feels about you, and he knows how I feel too.”
Binx looks back at Rek. He smiles and nods. She looks at me again, with a smile of her own slowly spreading across her lips.
“Wait… are you guys…proposingto me?”
“Nope. A proposal is a question. What I’m telling you right now is a statement. We’re gonna make you our mate, Binx, whether you like it or not.”
Her ear-to-ear grin tells me that she does.
The name of the place is Heart Station, because it sits at the very heart of the Warp.
The Warp doesn’t have a center really, but if it did, this would be it. Only members of the Warpers Guild know its exact location. Traven and Rek even blindfolded me for the last part of our journey here. That wasn’t necessary, of course, but it gave us a chance to engage in a bit of sensation play—feathers, ice cubes, hot wax.
Now we’re at our destination, and my blindfold is off, but I still can’t see a thing. I’m alone on a bed in a pitch-black room, waiting impatiently for the ceremony to begin. My panties are already drenched, and my nipples feel like they might burst through the cups of my bra at any moment.
A ray of light breaks through from above.
It reminds me of a sunbeam shining through a crack in some storm clouds, only there aren’t any clouds over my head right now, just a ceiling with a big, circular door, the two halves of which are slowly sliding open with a soft, mechanical hum. The bed I’m lying on begins to rise, lifted by the powerful hydraulic pistons hidden beneath, and I find myself ascending toward the widening light.
I probably ought to be nervous. There was a time not so long ago when I would have been, but a lot has happened since then. I’ve saved an entire planet from destruction, and I’ve formed an unbreakable bond with the two sexiest, most steadfast men in the known universe. Those men have taught me a great dealabout pleasure, and they’ve taught me even more about myself. The things we did during our journey here to Heart Station made our first voyage through the Warp seem tame by comparison.
Above me the hatch, now fully open, emits a soft clang. The bed rises through the opening and enters the amphitheater. Now I’m in the middle of a circular stage, surrounded by a large, bowl-shaped seating area with thousands of seats.
And tonight, it’s a full house.
The live audience in the seats aren’t the only eyes that are watching me. The ceremony is being beamed out across the Warp for every member of the Guild to see, the same way I saw Elaine and her guys getting it on during that one steamy night aboardthe Nomad. The same night my guys and I played our mating game.
Like I said, Ioughtto be nervous, but I’m not. I know my two men will lead the dance, guiding me with their skillful hands and powerful muscles. My only concern is that I won’t be able to contain my arousal until they arrive. My blood is pumping hard and fast inside me. I can feel it throbbing in the tips of my breasts and down between my legs.
Spotlights snap on, illuminating the bed. The bright beams are warm against my skin, which my skimpy outfit does little to conceal. This ceremony may be a kind of wedding, but my costume is a far cry from a bridal gown. No white lace or pretense of virginity for me. Just a bit of black vinyl and a lot of exposed skin. A studded collar encircles my throat, with a steel ring dangling from the front. A too-tight bra encloses my breasts, with zippers running up the middle of both cups. As for my lady bits, they are clad in a thong that provides about as much coverage as an eye patch.
Around me, the audience murmurs in approval. I’ll admit, it’s a boost to my ego, but just a small one. There are only two opinions thatreallymatter to me anymore—Traven’s and Rek’s—and I already know what they think of my get-up. They’re the ones who picked it out, after all.
But where are they? Where are my two warper mates? I need them right now. I need them here on the bed with me. I need them inside me, warm and firm and alive.
Somewhere in the distance, a gong sounds three times, an answer to my prayers.
The ceremony has begun.
My mates are coming.
A stirring runs through the gathering as my two big warpers approach. The bright lights make it hard for me to see beyond the edge of the stage, but I can hear their footsteps as they descend upon my bed. Rek moves with a stealthy softness that belies his massive frame. Traven is the exact opposite. He shakes the whole amphitheater when he walks.
Rek reaches me first. He stands at the edge of the bed, wearing nothing but a pair of tight black pants made from the same material as my skimpier outfit. His messy hair is haloed by the spotlights behind him, and his sexy smile seems to almost glow amidst his short, dark beard.
“Hello there, sweetheart.”
“Hey handsome.”
He climbs onto the bed with me and curls one finger through the loop at the front of my collar. His touch is gentle yet dominating.He pulls me to him, and our lips connect in an electric kiss that can I feel all the way down in the tips of my toes.
Behind me, the bed dips beneath a new weight. My body rocks backward, but a pair of powerful arms are there to catch me. A coarse beard brushes my shoulder. Soft lips caress my skin. My arousal surges to epic proportions.