“Do you mean it?” Binx asks, glancing back at Traven before looking up at me with her pretty blue eyes. “You’re not angry with me.”
I caress her cheek.
“No, sweetheart. We’re not angry with you. Actually, I’m damn proud of you. You’re the bravest woman I’ve ever met.”
Traven nods in agreement.
“That’s right,” he says. “I know I can be a hardass sometimes, but I can be generous too. Your secrecy earned you a spanking, but your bravery deserves a reward. Three rewards, in fact.”
Binx rolls over and looks at him curiously.
“Three rewards? What do you mean?”
Traven just shrugs.
“It’s up to you, gorgeous. Anything you want. Just say the word and it’s yours.”
Binx looks at me as if seeking confirmation.
“Three wishes?” she asks. “What are you guys, a couple of genies or something?”
“Your wish is our command, sweetheart.”
“Well, in that case, I’d better pick three good ones…”
Her face grows serious as she loses herself in thought. Her brow knits. Her lips pout. The expression is so sexy and enticing, it’s all I can do to keep from adding another great big load of my own pearly fluid to the bubble bath. I’ve never been with a woman who keeps me hard and horny the way Binx does. It isn’t just the Warp at work here. It’s more than that. A lot more.
At last, her face relaxes, and her lips spread into a big, beautiful grin.
“Alright,” she says. “I’ve got it.”
“Let’s hear it.”
“First, I want you both to give me a nice, deep massage.”
“Are your shoulders feeling tight?” I ask, giving her a firm squeeze.
Binx shakes her head.
“No, I don’t want you to massage my shoulders.”
“Your legs then?” Traven asks.
“Oh,” I say. “You must want a full body massage.”
“Wrong again,” Binx says, smirking. “I want you to massage my throat. Theinsideof my throat. I want both of you to do it. I want you to take turns.”
My dick jumps. So does Traven’s.
“I think we can handle that,” I tell her. “What’s your second wish?”
“Second, I want you both to completely obliterate my pussy.”
My dick is now so swollen it’s literally bobbing up and down with the pulse of my blood.
“And third?”