“Has more of a kick to it,” he says. “You see, gingerol activates the so-called ‘heat-receptors’ of the tongue. It produces a similarsensation of heat when applied to other sensitive parts of the body. Are you ready to experience that heat, Binx?”
I’m not sure I actually have a choice in the matter. I’m certainly not going to say no after my earlier bravado.
“I’m ready.”
Traven places his two lubricated fingers against my anus and begins to slowly rub the slippery fluid into my skin. Just as I’m beginning to feel the first hot tingle of the gingerol, he slips his fingers inside.
“Ohfuck!” I gasp.
“How does it feel?” Traven asks as he glides his two fingers in and out of my butt, coating my insides with the slippery lube.
“Itburns,” I whine.
“Can you handle it, or do you need me to stop?”
I dig my nails into the satin sheets and shut my watering eyes.
“I can handle it.”
The more Traven thrusts his fingers inside me, the stronger the burning sensation becomes, but it’s a good kind of burn, like eating spicy food or knocking back a shot of strong liquor. The difference is that this time, the burning isn’t in my mouth; it’s in my butt. All my attention becomes hyper-focuses on my punished hole until I am fully aware of every detail of Traven’s two fingers inside me. I begin to moan softly, half from pleasure, half from pain.
“Just as I suspected,” Traven chuckles. “Rek, ’ol buddy, it looks like we’ve got ourselves a little masochist.”
“It would appear so…” Rek strokes his hand over my sweating back and leans down so that his face is close to mine.
“How you feeling, sweetheart? You doin’ okay?”
I nod lightly.
“Yes, I… I feelgood.”
If you’d asked me a few days ago whether I was a masochist, I would have said hell no. If anything, I’ve always thought of myself as someone with a lower-than-average tolerance for pain. A stubbed toe could put me out of commission for the rest of the day.
But now, in the masterful hands of two men I trust, I’m starting to see the light. The pain is like a seasoning that brings out the different flavors of pleasure—all the hot, sweaty, sinful flavors that make me want to test the limits I’ve never tested before.
“I think she’s ready for the plug,” Traven says.
“Yeah,” says Rek. “I think so.”
I don’t have to ask which plug they’re referring to. They’re talking about the big one, the biggest in the set. The one that will stretch me wider than I’ve ever been stretched before.
The tears in my eyes make everything a blur, but I can hear a wet squelching sound as Rek applies more Fire lube to the final plug. Then he and Traven work in tandem to spread my cheeks apart, and I feel the tip of the plug pressing against my puckered rim.
“Are you ready?” Rek asks.
“Yes,” I answer, my voice trembling with anticipation. “I’m ready.”
The burning intensifies as the plug pushes into me, and I have to bite down on the bedsheets to keep from crying out. For a moment, the pressure is almost too much to bear. Then the thickest part pops inside, and all that’s left is that perfect, satisfying sensation of fullness in my bottom.
And the delicious heat of the gingerol tingling my insides.
“I did it,” I gasp.
“You sure did, sweetheart,” Rek says as he gives my butt a loving pat. “I knew we’d be able to train your sexy little ass to take the big one. I just didn’t realize what a quick learner you would be.”
As usual, Rek’s words of praise make me feel all hot and ticklish inside, and a blush of pride warms my cheeks. I guess it’s a strange thing to be proud of, but the sense of accomplishment is real.