“Are you going to let him do this?” she half sobs.
Rek throws back the covers and climbs off the bed. He slowly makes his way toward our side of the room, his hard-on swinging back and forth with every stride. Most of the time, I can tell exactly what he’s thinking, almost like we have apsychic connection or something, but right now his face is totally unreadable. I don’t know if he’s gonna try to whip my ass or put Binx in her place. I’m ready for either option.
He pauses right in front of me and stares at me for a moment, then he turns to Binx and gathers her in his arms. He sweeps her hair away from her face, kisses her. That calms her a little.
“Traven’s right,” he says, staring deeply into Binx’s eyes. “I know you’re hiding something from us. Yesterday, I was willing to let it slide. But after last night, I can’t let it slide anymore. If you’re in trouble, sweetheart, we need to know about it so we can protect you.”
Binx looks at me, looks at the datastick in my hand, then looks back at Rek.
“I don’t have a choice, do I?”
“Not when it comes to your protection,” Rek tells her. “That’s non-negotiable. We’re never going to let any harm come to you, sweetheart. None.”
I feel the same way. Yesterday and the day before, my main concern was what kind of trouble she was bringing onto our ship. At least, I thought that was my main concern. But last night changed all that. When I heard Binx’s sweet little voice begging me and Rek to make a baby inside her, I felt like I had finally found my purpose in life. Maybe it was just a game for her, but it wasn’t for me. I intend to make her my mate, I intend to get her pregnant, and I intend to share her with my best bro Rek until the end of our days.
I don’t say any of that out loud, but I have a feeling Binx can see it in my eyes, ’cause after a moment she gives a little sigh and nods toward the datastick in my hand.
“You might as well stick that thing in,” she says. “I could tell you what’s on it, but it’s probably better if you just see for yourself.”
Isit on the edge of the bed in silence as the two warpers stand and read through the files writ large on the massive wall imagers, their muscles limned in the pale, silvery light. I read along with them, and even though I’ve already gone through the information a dozen times at this point, the monstrosity of it all still shakes me to my core. It’s not just the enormity of the crime that rocks me, but the casual tone with which it is discussed, the nonchalance with which rich and powerful men speak of the lives of ordinary people, like they were nothing more than commodities to be bought and sold—and, if necessary, destroyed.
After about fifteen minutes, the warpers have only read a fraction of the email correspondences recorded on the datastick, but it’s enough for them to get the gist of it. Traven is the first to break the silence.
“Binx, how exactly did you acquire this?”
I drop my eyes, unable to meet his gaze. I wish I didn’t have to answer that question. It makes my skin crawl just thinking about it. But after everything Rek and Traven have done for me, they deserve to know the truth.
“My ex,” I answer.
Even though I’m not looking at him, the jealousy in his voice is beyond obvious, and I have to admit, it startles me a little. Traven is a warper. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s literally been with hundreds of women before me, and most of thosewomen probably have triple-digit body counts themselves. I’m not judging. Heck, after all the dirty stuff I’ve done over the past couple days, I don’t have the right to judge anyone. I’m just a little surprised, that’s all. I never would have taken Traven for the jealous type.
It’s also slightly absurd to think about a warper like Traven being jealous of a guy like Stanley. Maybe he doesn’t have Stanley’s incredible wealth, but he’s ten times the man Stanley is in all the ways that count, and I’m not just talking about his prowess in bed. Traven is a real man. So is Rek. Stanley’s just an overgrown boy in an expensive suit.
“Ex-boyfriend,” I clarify. “I started working for the Gaia Group in a low-level administrative role a little over a cycle ago. I started dating Stanley shortly after that. He was a junior vice president of research and development. The youngest exec in the whole corporation. He took me out for a dinner that cost more than my entire monthly salary. He was charming. At last I thought he was. I had no idea he was capable of…”
I gesture toward the screen.
Rek sits down on the bed beside me, and the mattress dips under his massive weight, tipping my body toward his. He places a protective arm around my shoulders and holds me.
“Binx, you don’t have to explain yourself to us. Sometimes the most charming people are the ones who are hiding the darkest secrets.”
I smile up at him.
“In that case, I don’t want to know what kind of secretsyou’rehiding.”
He smiles back.
“Oh, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve.” He nods toward the screen. “Nothing like this, though.”
Traven is still standing up, studying the files on the wall imager. He turns to look at me with his big arms crossed in front of his chest. He’s wearing a pair of sweatpants now, but his upper body is bare. Even under these less-than-ideal circumstances, the sight of his bulging muscles sends a thrill of arousal through my body. I chalk it up to the power of the Warp, but deep down I know there’s more to it than that.
“Rek is right,” he says. “We’re not passing judgement on you. But how did you come into possession of these files? I’m assuming this ex-boyfriend of yours didn’t just share this information with you willingly.”