“Yes!” I cry, almost sobbing with need. “Both of you… I want to have both of your babies!”
I know that’s impossible. Even without birth control, they couldn’t both get me pregnant at the same time. But we’ve left reality behind and entered the realm of fantasy. Here on this bed, anything is possible, no matter how crazy, sinful, or wild.
Traven gazes across my gasping body at his partner in crime.
“What do you think, Rek? Should we give the woman what she wants? Should we knock her up?”
Rek answers without hesitation.
“Hell yes. I can’t wait to see this precious tummy turning all big and round with our baby inside it…” He slides his hand up to my chest and fondles me through my robe. “And I can’t wait to see these perfect tits growing heavy with milk. I might have to taste a little when the time comes, just to see how sweet it is.”
He pulls my robe aside, exposing one of my breasts. When he sees how hard my nipple has become, he groans as if in agony.I have a feeling that certain parts of his body are getting harder too.
Then again, it seems like he’s never soft. The same goes for Traven. As far as I can tell, they’ve both had permanent boners ever since we came through the Warpgate, and that’s perfectly fine with me, because right now I need both of them inside me, hard and unprotected, so they can fill me up with their hot, sticky cum.
“Please,” I murmur.
Both of them are wearing loose-fitting sweatpants with nothing underneath. I slip my hands inside and stroke their hardened shafts. Then I push my hands deeper so I can fondle their big, heavy balls.
“Please,” I beg, my voice dripping with uncontrollable need. “Please fill my pussy with your cum.”
“Oh, we’re gonna do that,” Traven says. “But first we gotta prepare you to receive our loads.”
“Prepare me?”
“That’s right,” Rek answers without missing a beat. “The more turned on you are, the more fertile you’ll become. We need you extra horny, sweetheart. That way, our cum will definitely make a baby inside you.”
I don’t think I could get any hornier than I am right now, and I say so out loud.
The warpers proceed to prove me wrong.
Traven claims my mouth and kisses me harder than I’ve ever been kissed before. His tongue enters me and mates with my own. His lips are hot with desire.
At the same time, Rek kisses a different part of me. He wraps his lips around my erect nipple and sucks me hard and deep, as if he’s trying to draw out some of that milk he mentioned earlier. Crazed with lust, I almost expect it to happen.
Both of them have their hands between my legs now. Traven’s finger is inside me, stroking my G-spot, while Rek rubs my throbbing clit. When I come, it feels like two orgasms happening at the same time, and the pleasure is so intense it brings tears to my eyes. But that double-barreled climax fails to slay my desire. On the contrary, it only makes it twice as strong.
“Please!” I gasp when Traven finally releases my mouth. “I need you both inside me. I need your cocks. I need yourcum…”
“She sounds ready to me,” Traven says. “What do you think, bro?”
“She’d better be ready,” Rek answers. “If I don’t stick it in her right now, I’m liable to nut in my pants.”
“Well, we don’t want that,” Traven chuckles. “We want every drop to go inside that tight little pussy where it belongs.”
“That’s right,” Rek agrees. “We wanna make sure we impregnate her on the first try.”
If the guys are trying to make my ovaries explode, they’re doing a good job of it. I’m starting to understand what they meant when they said my arousal would make me more fertile. There’s a part of me that wants to rip the birth control patch off my shoulder so they can knock me up for real. I know it wouldn’t actually workthat way. It would take some time for the hormones from the patch to wear off.
Then again, here in the Warp, anything is possible.
This is a dangerous game we’re playing. A very dangerous game indeed. But that only makes me want to play even more, so that’s what I do.
I keep begging for it as the two warpers strip away my robe, then my panties. I beg for it as they lay me down on my back and open my trembling legs. And when they take off their pants, and I see how swollen their cocks have become, I beg even louder and more desperately than before.
They give it to me, nice and deep.
The warpers lie down beside me, bracketing my supine body between their much larger frames. Rek enters me first, and his cock feels even bigger and harder than I remember, penetrating all the way to my deepest epicenter. He plows me with long, slippery strokes that let me feel every detail of his anatomy moving inside me. After five or six thrusts, he pulls out and lets his partner have a turn.