“Call those dancers back out here. My friends and I would like to hire a few of them to accompany us on a little business trip.”
“My dancers?” the bartender says. “But they ain’t for hire!”
Mikkelson smiles coldly.
“Mister, everyone’s for hire if the price is right.”
Iawake to the sound of a crackling fire. It’s a cozy, comfortable sound that makes me want to snuggle down deep beneath the covers and go right back to sleep. I’m about to do exactly that, but right as I’m on the verge of zonking out, a thought streaks across my mind like a shooting star.
Oh shit, my bedroom is on fire!
A surge of adrenaline snaps me upright on the bed, eyes wide, nerves humming. At first, my brain can’t even process what is going on. Then, gradually, it all comes back to me.
This isn’tmybedroom. It belongs to the warpers, Traven and Rek. This is their ship, and I’m their guest, their companion, their… how did Traven put it?
Their shared sex toy.
As for the fire, it isn’t real; it’s only part of the scenery. The big imagers around the sides of the bedroom have been set to display the interior of a medieval castle, complete with stone walls, intricate tapestries, and a massive fireplace that contains a roaring orange blaze. The effect is surreal.
I have a feeling Rek is the one who selected this particular backdrop. He probably thought it would be soothing for me. It didn’t occur to him that it might be distressing to wake up inside a castle when you’re not expecting it.
Still, I appreciate the gesture.
But where is Rek? And where is Traven, for that matter? A quick glance left and right reveals that I’m all alone on the big circular bed. Both of the warpers are gone, though traces of their presence linger. The sheets are a tangled mess after yesterday’s “activities,” and the expensive fabric is saturated with the odor of manly sweat, and lots and lots of sex.
My body carries traces of its own. My muscles are sore after hours of being passed back and forth between the two insatiable males, and my naked breasts are still sticky where the warpers marked me with their seed. When I lick my lips, I taste them all over again, salty and a little bit sweet. That flavor brings back a flood of shameful memories.
I turn and look at the chair by the wall.
It’s empty now, but yesterday it held Traven’s naked form, his bare chest and taut stomach slathered with his own cum. I remember what he said to me then…
What are you waiting for, woman? You’re the one who made this mess. Now get over here and clean it up.
And I did.
Oh God, I did.
A surge of heat overwhelms me as I remember everything that happened last night. How Rek and Traven took turns with me, using my body for their pleasure, claiming me in the most shameful ways imaginable.
I thought I knew what I was getting myself into when I devised this little plan, but there was one small detail I didn’t account for…
How much I would like it.
I don’t even know how many times the two males came inside me last night, but I do know this—for every orgasm they had, they gave me four or five orgasms of my own. Big, toe-curling climaxes that left me shivering and gasping for air. By the time the warpers had finally had their fill of me, I didn’t just fall asleep. I passed out from exhaustion.
Now, I feel rested… and dirty.
So very, very dirty.
I roll out of bed and head for the bathroom on wobbly legs. Once I’m inside, I head straight for the shower. I don’t even glance at the big mirror on the wall. I don’t want to see what a mess the warpers made of me.