When he brought Binx on board a few days ago, I had my doubts, but she’s exceeded all my expectations. She is perfect inside and out, and she’s made me feel things I’ve never felt about any other woman. Does she piss me off from time to time? You know it. Am I gonna have to spank her often to keep her in line? No doubt. But I’m also going to love her and protect her and keep her body brimming with my cum twenty-four seven. This thing we’ve started isn’t gonna end when we get to Caldera. Fuck no, this is just the beginning.
I know Rek feels the same way too. I reach across Binx’s sweating back and give him a fist bump. He’s done good bringing this woman into our lives. He’s done real good.
The sight of my best bro getting his dick sucked by this beautiful woman is hot as hell. I’m just about ready to bust again, and based on the way Rek is tensing up, I’d say he’s getting close too.
“Whaddaya say?” I ask him. “You ready to give this bad girl what she needs?”
Rek smirks. “After you.”
“Naw bro, we’re doing this one together.”
“Count of three?”
“One,” I answer.
“Two,” he says.
We both say “Three” together, then we bust in unison, filling Binx with cum from both ends. Her ass flexes around my shaft like she’s trying to milk me for every last drop of jizz in my balls, and her moans get all wet and mushy as she swallows Rek’s load. When she can’t take any more, she pulls away gasping and leans back into my body while Rek sends a few final spurts across her tits. I twirl her loose hair into a ponytail and turn her head to face mine while my cock continues to pulse inside her.
“How did that feel?” I ask her. “Do you enjoy having your naughty little ass fucked and filled with cum?”
She wiggles her messy butt against my crotch.
“I love it,” she whispers. “And you came so much. I can feel it inside me, all warm and gooey.”
She licks her lips.
“Rek too,” she says, and pouts. “He came so much I couldn’t swallow it all.”
Rek moves in close and looks her up and down, admiring the mess he made on her tits.
“Normally,” he says to Binx, “it would beyourjob to clean up a mess like that, but this time I’m willing to make an exception…”
He bows his face to Binx’s chest and licks her breasts, gathering his own cum on his tongue. Then he kisses her slow and deep, swapping his seed into her mouth where it belongs. Binx moans with satisfaction as she swallows it down.
“Thank you,” she says to Rek. Then she turns her head and gives me one of her naughty looks. “You know, Traven, you’re a really good cook, but my favorite treat is a mouthful of you guys’ cum.”
She giggles.
“I just thought of something funny,” she says. “The load Rek just put in my mouth is going to end up where yours is now.”
I give her hair a little tug and kiss her.
“Such a dirty girl,” I whisper. “But you’ve still got one hole that needs seeding.”
“My pussy?”
“Yup. Hey Rek, you care to do the honors?”
“Don’t mind if I do.”
With my cock still buried deep in Binx’s backside, I lean back and pull her with me until I’m lying face up on the bed, and Binxis lying on top of me, facing the same direction. Rek climbs on top, and we’ve got ourselves a Binx sandwich.
With extra meat.
Binx whimpers softly as Rek slides his cock into her pussy and starts to thrust, slow and deep. I start to thrust too, and I can feel Rek’s cock rubbing against mine through the inner walls of Binx’s body. It reminds me of rubbing a piece of silk between a thumb and a finger. It feels fucking incredible.
I can only imagine how good it feels for Binx. Based on the way she’s moaning and gasping, I’m gonna guess it feels pretty damn good.