Those guys are lucky I’m not Traven. If he was here right now, that broken-off piece of pool cue would be going up someone’s ass. Literally.
Me, I’m a little more even-tempered than that. I just set the piece of wood on a table next to me and keep moving.
Until a woman’s hand catches me by the wrist.
And a voice grabs me by the balls.
It is the softest, sweetest voice I’ve ever heard in my fucking life. That voice alone is enough to make my heart start pounding like a jackhammer. Sweat breaks out on my skin, and my cock goes rock-hard in my britches. I bet I could probably come just fromlistening to that voice. I wouldn’t even need to use my hands to make it happen. All she would have to do is beg for it, and it would come gushing out all over her face.
And speaking of her face, I turn my eyes in the direction of her voice, so I can get a better look at her. As soon as I do, my heart skips a couple beats.
This isnotthe woman I came here to meet.
Is it?
She does have dark hair, and she’s definitely curvy, despite her best efforts to hide her body beneath the loose-fitting trench coat she’s wearing, but my instincts tell me those curves are all natural, no surgical enhancements here. Same goes for the luscious, pink lips that are trembling ever so slightly as she stares up at me from her chair.
I can’t tell what color her eyes are since they’re hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses. Then again, I can’t remember what color Binxxx’s eyes aresupposedto be. I wasn’t exactly paying attention to that detail of her picture, but now I’m interested. Real interested.
“I’m Rek,” I tell her. “Are you…?”
She must see the confusion written on my face because nods and forces a smile—a far prettier smile than the one I saw in her profile pic. The music goes quiet for a moment as the DJ switches between songs, and she takes the opportunity to answer me with a whisper.
“It’s me,” she says. “I’m Binx.”
Based on the way she says it, I know it’s only spelled with one X. Her voice is far too sweet and innocent to have three Xs attached to it.
The thoughts racing through my head, on the other hand, haveallthe Xs attached. I’m thinking of all the things I’d like to do with those perfect lips.
I’m also wondering why a woman who looks likethiswould use fake photos on a dating site. Her profile pic wasn’t simply doctored or put through a filter. It was literally a different person. That fact alone ought to be raising all sorts of red flags.
But right now, the only thing raising is my cock.
Before I can ask any questions, Binx springs up from her seat and places a small, soft hand against my arm, right over my Guild tattoo. With her other hand, she takes off her shades, and I’m greeted by a pair of eyes so blue they damn near glow in the dark. Those eyes sweep away the last vestiges of suspicion from my mind.
I don’t care if this woman is trouble. She’smytrouble now.
Mine and Traven’s.
There are only two things that matter to me now. The first is protecting Binx from whatever it is she’s running from. The second is hearing her scream with pleasure as I fill her with my cock. Both of those goals would be better served in a different, more private venue.
As if reading my mind, Binx says, “Can we get out of here?”
It’s all I can do to keep from slinging her over my shoulder like a caveman and carrying her out the door.
“My ship’s parked around the corner,” I tell her.
She links her arm around mine.
“Lead the way…”
“I’m sorry for the deception,” I say once we’re outside.
It’s early afternoon, but you’d barely know it from the darkness. Between the soaring towers of the city and the dense smog filling the atmosphere, hardly any sunshine makes it down to street level. Above us, rows of honking hovercars slide by in a grid-like traffic formation. Around us, pedestrians bustle to and fro in a less orderly fashion.