Page 72 of Demonchild

The queen looked back at him over her shoulder, and her eyes gleamed in the firelight.

“I’m willing to accept anything you wish to give me, master. Pleasure or pain, I’ll take it all. My body is yours to do with as you please.”

“In that case…” Beliath said.

He drew back until only his tip was inside her, then he drove himself into her again, savoring the sweet, slippery sensation as her warm flesh ensheathed him a second time. He drew back and thrust again, and again, gradually increasing the tempo until he was pumping into her hard and fast, and the mounds of her ass rippled with each impact of his pelvis.

“Who does this cunt belong to?” Beliath snarled. “Say it loud, so all can hear.”

“It belongs to you,” Malissa wailed. “You and nobody else.”

“That’s right. Your cunt was made for me, woman, and my cock was made for you—and I shall give it to you, from now until the end of eternity.”

Beliath fucked her hard, and he fucked her deep. He pounded her with his cock until her hot juices were flowing out and dripping down her thighs. The female mewled and howled with ecstasy, and Beliath fed upon her pleasure until he was crackling with magical energy—energy which he sent coursing through the castle courtyard.

When Beliath had been released from the soulstone a few minutes before, he had planned on killing every living soul within Drachenval. Now he was having a change of heart. His mate was not just a queen, she was a goddess, and a goddess needed followers—followers who would venerate her in the proper fashion.

As the demon cast his spell, the noises from the crowd began to change. Gasps and murmurs were replaced by moans of rapture and the sounds of clothing being shed. Soon a wild orgy was raging around the pyre where Beliath was impaling his little mate.

The vision must have excited her, because her inner walls began to flex and squeeze around his thrusting shaft, sucking him like a mouth, milking him for his seed.

“Come inside me,” she begged. “Please, Beliath, it’s been so long since I felt it last. I want to feel it so bad.”

“As you wish, angel.”

He thrust into her again and unleashed a flood inside her, pulse after sticky pulse, until she was overflowing with his seed.Her walls fluttered around him, and her legs quivered as she matched his climax with a climax of her own. When they were both finished, Beliath took hold of her black wings and pulled her upright against him.

“My beautiful angel,” he whispered.

“My wicked, wicked demon.”

He moved his hands around in front of her and caressed her swollen belly as they surveyed the scene together. The flames had finally begun to die down, and they could see the crowd of revelers, naked and writhing all around the courtyard.

Then Beliath’s eyes alighted upon a solitary figure who was not joining in the orgy. Indeed, the man did not seem to be moving at all. It was the king. He was lying on his back with his fallen crown beside him, and his right hand was clutching his chest. His lifeless eyes were open wide, staring blankly at the heavens above.

Beliath doubted that was the direction the man’s soul had gone.


“We could have flown, you know?”

“I know,” Malissa said. “But I wanted to make the trip on foot. It’s more nostalgic this way.”

“Nostalgic? Woman, it’s only been a year.”

“Humor me, demon.”

Beliath was right though. It had been exactly one year since Malissa had traveled through this forest last, and the woods were much as she remembered them. Moonlight through the branches. Deep shadows. The warm, soft fragrance of moss and mushrooms and rich, dark soil.

No, the forest had not changed at all in the past year, but many other things had.

The first big change had come shortly after Malissa’s unsuccessful execution. About a month later, the vast armies of Galadon had arrived at Drachenval, ready to lay siege to the castle. Luckily, violence had been avoided. Malissa had met with the Galadonian queen, a lovely young woman by the name of Jenevieve, and they had soon discovered that they had a great deal in common.

The rumors surrounding Jenevieve were true. Not only was she in league with a demon, she was in bed with him as well. A great, hulking beast by the name of Cabael, who just happened to be an old acquaintance of Beliath’s. Jenevieve had already borne one child for her demonic mate, and she was pregnant with another.

A treaty was drawn up, and both women signed it with their own blood. The kingdoms of Galadon and Drachenval would be allies, at least for as long as Malissa and Jenevieve sat upon their respective thrones. Considering who their mates were, Malissa expected that would be a long, long time indeed.

The second change had come shortly after that.