Malissa could feel the demon’s skin heat with jealousy.
“Wulfgang? Did he…?”
“No,” Malissa said. “He tried to, but he… wasn’table.”
Beliath rumbled angrily, but Malissa could sense that his anger was not directed at her.
“His little prick betrayed him, eh? He’s lucky. His death would have been much longer and more painful otherwise.”
“You still intend to kill him?” Malissa asked.
“Oh, of course.”
“Good. I left some things behind at the castle that I would like to retrieve. We can kill two birds with one stone, as they say.”
Beliath chuckled.
“Such a wicked little angel. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First, you must free me from this ring. Then I intend to breed you until my lust has been slaked. It will take a full day and night at least. After that, we can deal with your so-called husband.”
“In that case,” Malissa said with a grin, “we’d better get started.”
The demon opened his wings and released his grip on her body so she could do what needed to be done. She picked up the grimoire from the altar and turned the pages until she found what she was looking for—the spell to release a demon from a darkstone ring.
The incantation was long and complex, and in order for it to work, it had to be recited from start to finish without a single error. Perhaps it had been designed that way to ensure that no one would accidentally set a demon free. During the past several weeks, Malissa had studied the spell obsessively, and she had committed much of it to memory, but she still chose to use the book tonight, just to make sure she got it right.
Even with the book, it was still a struggle. On the first attempt, she got about a third of the way through before her tongue gottied, and she had to start over from the beginning. On the second attempt, she got tripped up at the halfway mark.
Beliath placed one huge hand gently atop her shoulder.
“It’s alright, little one. There is plenty of time. Don’t try to rush.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. I’m just ready for it to be over already.”
Beliath smiled and gave her shoulder a reassuring rub that felt way too good. Her nipples hardened in response. Her sex throbbed.
“Try again,” he said calmly. “A little more slowly this time.”
“Alright, but…” She glanced at the hand on her shoulder. “Maybe you could stop touching me?”
Beliath gave her a quizzical look.
“You don’t want me to touch you?”
“That’s the problem. Idowant you to touch me. I want you to touch me everywhere. But it’s distracting, and I need to focus on the incantation.”
“Ah.” Beliath removed his hand from her shoulder and walked around to the other side of the altar. “Better?”
Without meaning to, Malissa let her eyes drop from the demon’s face to the long, hard erection sticking straight up from his pelvis. She could see his veins ticking with his pulse, and a single dewdrop of precum glistened at his tip. Her sex clenched at thesight of that perfect member, and the thought of how good it would feel moving in and out of her body.
Beliath smirked, then vanished completely. A moment later, his disembodied voice spoke to her from across the altar.
“How about now?”
“That should work.”