Page 41 of Demonchild

He gave that part of her extra attention, and Malissa was grateful for it. Her buttocks were perhaps the largest muscles in her whole body, and there was a lot of tension stored there, but Beliath got rid of all of it.

Several times, his fingertips found their way into her cleft, grazing softly across the sensitive rim of her anus. Each timethat happened, Malissa gasped lightly. She almost wished one of those fingers would enter her forbidden hole. Almost.

But that didn’t happen. The hands moved on, massaging the backs of her thighs, then her calves, and finally her feet.

When he was finished, the demon came around to the front of the altar and stroked her head.

“How do you feel, Malissa?”

“I feel good,” she said sleepily, “but will it be enough?”

“It will. Roll over again.”

It was a command, but it was issued gently. Malissa obeyed and rolled onto her back. Above her the sky was clear and blue, and she had to lift one arm to shade her eyes from the sun.

Beliath closed his own eyes and laid his hands across her belly. He held them there for several minutes, occasionally grunting softly to himself, as if he were listening to a voice only he could hear. At last he opened his eyes again.

“Did it work?” Malissa asked.

“It did. Our child is healed. He is well, and there will be no lasting damage.”

Malissa felt fresh tears filling her eyes, but this time they were tears of joy. She was glad she had come to the darkstone ring rather than going to Dr. Jaeger. If she had done that, her baby would not have survived.

She sat up on the stone altar and looked up at the great, horned monster towering above her. His obsidian skin and batlike wings looked out of place in broad daylight.

Out of place, but incredibly handsome.

“Kiss me,” Malissa said.

This time, it was the demon’s turn to obey. He bent his face to hers, and their lips met in a slow, soft kiss that seemed to reach all the way to the deepest parts of Malissa’s femininity. She felt something long and hard pressing against her thigh. She could also feel wetness leaking between her legs. A lot of wetness. It had started at some point during the massage.

At first, she was ashamed. This hardly seemed like an appropriate time for arousal. Then again, in some ways, it was the perfect time. Beliath had saved their child—the child which he himself had put inside her. He was a mate who could care for both her and her baby in a way no mortal man ever could. It was only natural that her body would wish to make more babies with such a protective and capable male, even though it would be several more months before that was actually possible.

“I wish I could do something to thank you,” Malissa said, curling her fingers around his hard shaft.

“You do not need to thank me, angel. The child is mine too.”

“I know,” Malissa said, stroking him “Still…”

Beliath smiled wickedly.

“Believe me, angel, there is nothing that would please me more than to hear the sweet sound of your throat gagging on my hard prick. However, now is not the time. You will surely be missed at the castle.”

During their previous encounters, when they weren’t busy rutting like two animals in heat, Malissa had told the demona little about her life at Drachenval. He was right, of course. She needed to get back to the castle. Sneaking out at night was one thing. Leaving during the daylight hours was sure to attract attention. Especially considering Dr. Jaeger had forbidden her from riding while she was pregnant. She might have been the queen, but that didn’t mean she could do as she pleased.

“I’ll return,” she said. “As soon as I can.”

She dropped her eyes.

“Beliath, I… I’m sorry that I accused you before. I shouldn’t have said those things. It’s just that I was so frightened. I didn’t know what was happening to the baby, and—”

Beliath lifted her chin with his finger.

“You do not need to apologize to me,” he said. “But you must be careful, Malissa. Someone at Drachenval wants our baby dead. They tried once. They may try again.”

“I won’t let them. From now on, I’ll only eat food that I’ve seen prepared with my own eyes.”

She suddenly thought of Dr. Jaeger, and the nostrums he had been giving her.