The little queen looked at him for a moment. Or rather, she looked at the place where his voice was coming from. Just like the night before, she was completely naked, with an arm covering her nipples, and a hand covering her sex. Her creamy skin seemed to glow in the flickering light from the candles, and her black hair snapped blue in the moonlight.
At last she dropped her eyes and nodded.
“I have.”
The words were barely above a whisper, and Beliath could see tears trembling at the edges of her eyes, bright and clear as gemstones. Ordinarily, he would have savored those tears, but he sensed there was something else behind Malissa’s pained expression, and it made him curious.
“Why did you return so quickly?” he asked.
The queen lifted her face, and her eyes were wide. Perhaps it was the question that had surprised her. Or perhaps it was the gentle manner in which Beliath had asked it.
“The king will be returning sooner than I expected,” she said.
She began to pace slowly around the outside of the darkstone ring. Her breasts and sex remained covered, but the new angle offered Beliath a different view of her feminine curves, and what a view it was. His balls felt as if they might explode. He reached down and began to stroke his invisible shaft with an invisible hand.
The woman continued to speak as she walked. Though it was difficult, Beliath forced himself to pay attention to what she was saying.
The king, it seemed, had been wounded in battle. Luckily for Beliath, the wound had not been fatal, otherwise Malissa would never have returned to summon him. The king would spend some time in the west, convalescing, then he would return to Castle Drachenval to complete his recovery. He was expected home in three months’ time, at which point Malissa needed to already appear six months pregnant. She had even lied and told the king in a letter that she had stopped getting her moonblood.
She was clearly distraught.
And clearly determined to go through with the agreement she had discussed with Beliath last night.
He ought to have been overjoyed at the prospect of his impending freedom. He’d been trapped within the darkstone ring for a long, long time now. But he was even more excited by the thought of penetrating this luscious little queen.
Strange. He had fucked thousands of mortal women over the years. What was it about this one that aroused him so?
Beliath felt himself starting to ejaculate, but he managed to stop himself at the last moment by clamping his fist hard around the base of his erect shaft. A single drop of his infernal seed managed to slip through. It leaked from his tip andplippedon the stones between his feet.
The queen halted and looked up at the sound.
“What was that?”
“Never you mind,” Beliath said. “Just step inside the circle with me, woman, and let us solve your troubles together.”
But the queen just stood there, worrying her lip with her teeth.
“Is there a problem?” Beliath asked.
“Yes, there is. The child you will beget within me… what will he look like?”
Beliath immediately understood the nature of her concern.
“Demons have begotten offspring with mortal women before,” he said. “Often, these children have an unearthly appearance. However, it is possible, with a little magic, to conceal their demonic traits so they look like ordinary human children.”
“Could you do this for our child?”
“And could you make him look like the king? Or at least like a child who could have been sired by the king?”
Seven hells, this queen was a demanding little creature, wasn’t she?
“It is possible,” Beliath said. “However, I do not know what this King Wulfgang looks like.”
“But if I showed you his likeness, you could do it?”
“I suppose, but—”