His hands closed around both sides of her head, holding her face steady while he thrust himself into her mouth. His cock went even deeper than before, deep enough to bring tears to her eyes. Her instincts told her to pull away, but the demon’s hands wouldn’t let her.
Malissa was grateful for those hands.
This was the reason she had come here tonight. This was what she needed. To be used roughly and ruthlessly by a creature who knew how to use a woman. A creature who would not treat her delicately. A creature who would not hold back.
Beliath was in control now. He was breeding her mouth, the same way he had bred her loins a fortnight before. His hard shaft slid in and out of her with wet, shameful noises. His smooth, heavy balls thumped against her dripping chin.
“Are you ready, wench? Are you ready to taste my seed?”
Yes!thought Malissa.I want you to fill my mouth with it. I want to taste it. I want to swallow it. Please, Beliath, I need it so badly.
“Then you shall have it.”
Beliath roared as he gave her his hot release. Malissa swallowed what she could, but it soon proved too much for her, and she was forced to pull away, gasping and trailing long, sticky strands from the demon’s pulsating cock. She shut her eyes and took a dozen thick ropes across her face, then a dozen more across her bare breasts as the force of the demon’s ejaculation gradually slowed.
“Tongue,” Beliath commanded.
With her eyes still shut tight, Malissa stuck out her tongue, and the demon wiped the head of his cock against it, smudging away the last of the seed that was still bubbling from his slit.
“Good girl,” he said. “You may swallow now.”
Malissa swallowed. Then, with the tips of her fingers, she wiped Beliath’s seed away from her eyes. When she was finally able to open them again, the vision that greeted her made her cry out in surprise.
She had expected to see Beliath’s disembodied member hanging in the air before her, or perhaps nothing at all. Instead, shesaw the demon in full. His powerful legs were like two pillars of obsidian rising from the ground before her. His torso was laden with slabs of hard, black muscle. A pair of leathery, bat-like wings fanned outward from his back.
It was his face, however, that truly made Malissa’s heart race. It looked like a wrought-iron mask, fashioned to inspire terror in all who saw it—fanged maw; flared nostrils; orange, burning eyes—and to top it all off, a pair of long, curving horns that gleamed in the candlelight like blackened steel.
Clawed fingers encircled Malissa’s wrists, and the demon lifted her up by her arms until her feet were dangling above the ground, and her face was level with his own.
“There are not many mortals who have looked upon my form and lived,” he said.
“Am I one of them?” Malissa asked. “Or are you going to kill me?”
The demon smiled.
“Maybe I’ll fuck you to death.”
“I can think of worse ways to die.”
The smile became a grin.
“I’m sure you can.”
He pulled her close and kissed her hungrily on the mouth. When they finally broke the kiss a few minutes later, his dark lips were stained with his own pale seed, but he didn’t seem to mind at all. Carefully he lowered Malissa until her feet were back on solid ground. She could feel the tip of his hard cock pressing against her belly, but she kept her eyes on that horrible, beautiful face.
Beliath placed a claw lightly beneath her chin.
“You have served me well,” he said, “But don’t think this changes anything between us. Our bargain still stands. Come the equinox, you will free me from my prison, or you will be struck dead in childbirth. That is how it must be.”
“I understand,” Malissa said. “Iwillset you free.”
She was already thinking of what would come after that. What arrangements she and her demon might make. Once he was freed from the darkstone ring, Beliath would be able to travel anywhere he pleased. Perhaps he would come and visit her from time to time?
Malissa hoped that he would, but she didn’t ask. There would be time to speak of such things later. Right now, the fire in the demon’s eyes and the iron in his loins told Malissa that he had other things in mind besides talking.
“You’re not finished with me yet,” she said, “are you?”
“On the contrary,” the demon answered, “I’m only getting started. Now lie down on the altar and spread those lovely legs for me like a good little queen. I’m ready to make use of your lovely little cunt.”