“How? By giving you pleasure no mortal man could ever hope to give? I can give it to you again, Malissa, but you will have to earn it. As I said before, I do not give away my services for free.”
The queen lifted her eyes.
“What must I do?”
Beliath’s cock jumped with arousal.
“You are a haughty little queen,” he said. “Everywhere you go, your subjects kneel before you. Now it is your turn to kneel. Step into the ring with me and get down on your knees, wench. I’m going to put that pretty little mouth of yours to work.”
Malissa watched in awe as Beliath’s demonic member gradually materialized in the center of the darkstone ring, starting from the base of his enormous shaft, and slowly working its way outward toward his plump, rounded head. He had shown Malissa that part of himself a few minutes ago, and her body had heated with arousal at the sight.
Now she all but burst into flames.
Malissa had only ever seen one other penis before: Wulfgang’s. Having had nothing else to compare it to, she had assumed her husband’s anatomy was of average size, yet it seemed tiny in comparison the monstrous thing that now hovered before her, its obscene shape limned by golden candlelight from below and silver starlight from above. At its thickest point, the shaft was as big around as Malissa’s forearm, and very nearly as long. Near the base, the flesh was jet black, transitioning into a bright, angry red around the tip. The head was crowned with a rim of beaded nubs that seemed designed for stimulating all of a woman’s most sensitive places, and the entirety of its hard length was covered in sinuous, inhuman ridges that reminded Malissa of melted wax. Her own sex fluttered as she remembered how good those shapes had felt sliding in and out of her several nights before.
She needed to feel them again.
She needed totouchthem.
Whether it was her own desire that set her feet in motion, or some dark enchantment placed upon her by the demon, Malissaneither knew nor cared. All that mattered now was satisfying the unholy urges burning deep within her.
Her skin prickled as she passed between the ancient pillars of stone and entered the circle of containment, but her fear was not as great as it had been during her previous visits to the darkstone ring. She had been inside twice now, and neither time had the demon tried to harm her. She doubted he would start tonight, especially now that she was carrying his child in her womb.
She did not feel fearful so much as she felt nervous—nervous about the task the demon had set before her. Nervous that she would be no good at it, that she would disappoint him. Aside from his erect manhood, Malissa could not see the creature, but she could sense him standing there before her, with his hard muscles and deadly horns. Then she felt his powerful hands cradling her face.
She gasped.
“My little queen,” the demon purred, his voice issuing from somewhere above Malissa’s head. “Tell me something…”
“What?” she breathed.
The demon brushed her bottom lip with the ball of his thumb.
“Have you ever sucked a cock before?”
Malissa colored at the question, then colored again at the answer she knew she must give. Everywhere else in the world, a woman was expected to be pure, but here in the darkstone ring, everything was turned upside down. Her lack of experience in such matters was an embarrassment rather than a point of pride.
“Not even your husband’s?”
She shook her head.
“Of course not,” the demon said, sounding amused and perhaps pleased. “Wulfgang doesn’t care about the pleasures of the flesh, does he? He only cares about having an heir to carry on his lineage. And if he can’t manage to make a baby in your womb, he certainly wouldn’t be able to make one in your stomach.”
Malissa laughed in spite of herself. She almost wished she had lugged Wulfgang’s portrait with her again so she could make him watch as the demon defiled her mouth.
“I’ve never sucked a man’s cock,” she said. “Or a demon’s, for that matter. But I want to suck yours, and I want to suck it well. I want to please you…master.”
Beliath purred from deep within his chest.
“Then I shall teach you. First, you must get down on your knees, just as if you were going to pray.”
The words set off a tingle between Malissa’s legs.
Bracing her hands against the demon’s invisible body, she lowered herself into a kneeling position. Beliath’s cock was right there in front of her now, and it looked even more intimidating. Malissa’s pulse began to race.