I didn’t have to say anything more. This was normally the time when he would go for a condom, but a week ago, we had decided to forgo them altogether. Both of us were clean, but we humoredone another anyway by seeing a doctor, and since I was on birth control, there was no need to worry about them anymore. With nothing standing in our way, he covered my body with his, then thrust fully to the hilt.
He leveraged himself up on his hands so he wouldn’t crush me, then started to move. “Come for me, Lulu,” he said, before sliding both hands under my ass.
Now, he had me right where he wanted me, so when he started to drive into me harder, I slipped completely off of that cliff. As I shattered apart for him, he continued to slam into me. Noah never took his eyes off of me, and my gaze never left his. I had never known this type of intimacy with anyone in my life.
Everything about this man was pure perfection, from his dark hair and eyes to that five o’clock shadow that covered his chin. His eyes bore deeper into mine as he hiked up one of my legs, then started to drive into me from a different angle.
Moments later, I came again, and this time he followed. His eyes finally left mine as he threw his head back in climax. I felt his seed as it bathed my inner walls, as well as feeling the throbbing of his cock inside of me until he finally grew still. After, he buried his head against my neck, then rolled underneath me, keeping the two of us intimately joined together as if he was remiss to let me go for even a second.
“I love you, Noah,” I told him once more as I lay on top of him. I placed my palm over his heart and smiled. “I love how I affect you in some way.”
“You affect me in many ways, Lulu. All I think about is being around you, and inside of you. Nights like this one are great, but I want you in my arms all the time.”
“What are you saying?” I rose up, and was now straddling him.
“Move in with me. Leave this place and come home with me. You and the kids. I have all those bedrooms.”
“I don’t know?—”
“Don’t you want to be with me?”
“Yes, absolutely, but I am not sure if the kids are ready. Let me talk to them before deciding fully. Could you give me a few days?”
He smiled, and it was that panty-wetting kind he was known for. “We have all the time in the world. Just promise that you will seriously consider it.”
“I will,” I quickly assured him, then grinned myself when I spotted the can of whipped cream beside us on the bed.
His eyes moved to the can, and before he could grab it himself, I snatched it up and held it behind me. “You had your dessert. Now it is time for mine.”
It was the big event, and one I was so thankful to actually have lived long enough to see. There wasn’t a day that went by when I didn’t remember what had happened to me, and by whom. Luckily, they caught Cade before he could finish the job.
His arrest had been the only thing to put Lulu at any sort of ease. It didn’t completely solve everything though because she now she was worried about what would happen to her ex-husband, especially since she and the kids had moved in with me right before Thanksgiving. It had been the best part of the holiday season. I had truly shed my bachelor ways, and their constant noise filled the cold walls of my penthouse, bringing a renewed energy to the space that was sorely needed.
After the large holiday dinner with my friends, I helped the kids put up the Christmas tree which was one of their annual traditions. Being included in something so special was more than I could have ever asked for. When helping them decorate, it reminded me of the times when I had a family of my own to do things like that with. It had been a very long time, but the memories came back so swiftly that it felt like only yesterday.Without a brother, sister, and later parents, something as simple as that had lost its luster for me, so my grandparents just hired someone to do it each year for us. I finally felt as if I now had everything that I needed. I not only had an amazing woman in my life that I loved so completely, but I also had three wonderful children. And although they missed their father, they were finally starting to warm up fully to me.
What helped a lot was knowing that Cade would be put away for a long time. Initially, the prosecutor intended to charge him with first degree attempted murder with aggravating factors. Cade would likely have spent his entire life in prison if found guilty. Somehow, he had managed to present a plea deal which we accepted for no other reason than his son and daughters who still loved him in spite of everything that had happened. Cade ended up pleading guilty to reduced charges, and was sentenced to just fifteen years in prison as opposed to life.
Lulu and I had wanted to make him serve the max time, but we thought about the children, and ultimately put their needs ahead of our own. Now, he would still be close to sixty when he did get out, but at least he would have a chance to be in their life in some sort of way. He would never be in ours, though.
Life, it was fleeting, and I had learned that lesson the hard way. In my career and personal life, I had always considered myself invincible. The title of Titan tended to blur things, or at least it had for me. I learned many lessons from my near-death experience. The most important being that we didn’t always get a second chance to make a different impression, or to change someone’s mind. Other times, we did though, and it had not only happened for Lulu and me, but also Callum and Nicole. The poster children of second chances, however, were the two peoplestanding at the altar, which was a place they had always been meant to be.
“Harper is the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. I’m so happy that they are finally tying the knot,” Lulu told me.
I looked at my woman. She would also one day stand at an altar, but not right now. We’d had the most eventful year that a couple could have, so there was no need to rush something that was going so well. Still, I could picture her standing there in a white dress with her hair blowing in the wind.
“I’ve been here, and I’ve done this before with them,” I whispered to her.
Her head spun around, and she mouthed. “You what?”
Chuckling, I leaned in and kissed the top of her nose. “Gabriel and Harper used to act out their wedding all the time when we were kids. After all, there was no one more perfect for one another than the two of them.”
“They really are a fairytale couple,” she mused, and Nicole leaned in and added her two cents.
“Harper looks just like a princess.”