Page 41 of Dangerously Yours

“Whoa! You never told me.”

I sighed. “I know, and for that, I’m sorry. We wanted to see where things were headed before we started telling everyone we knew. We?—”

“And where is it headed, Noah?”

“You heard her, and you heard me. We’re in love, and I want to take things public with her once this preseason is over.”

“Cade will?—”

“With all due respect, I don’t give a damn about him. He’s never treated her right before, and she has finally realized that.”

“Damn, don’t go getting all defensive on me. When are you going to tell the guys?” I knew by guys that he meant Gabriel, Callum, and Daxon. My pause had my friend cursing. “What the fuck, Capshaw? You’ve told them all but not me. I thought we were friends.”

“We are friends,” I told him, then knew I would need to elaborate. “I never actually told Gabe or Cal, but they have it in their heads that something is going on. I’ve not corrected them, and instead just let them believe what they wanted to believe. The only one I have spoken directly to about this was Daxon, and only because I needed his advice during a particular rough patch. Lulu’s been through a lot, and she is dealing with custodial issues and a jealous ex-husband determined to destroy her reputation. Neither of us was running around to tell anyone, but just know that I had always planned to tell you. You’re one of my closest friends, Romeo. You’re also the best teammate a guy could ever ask for.”

“I believe you,” he finally said as he sat down on the edge of his bed. “Did the rough stuff work its way out?”

I nodded. “I think so, but we’re just giving it a few more weeks. She still needs to tell her children, and I’m honestly not sure how they will react.”

“They’ll love you, man. All the kids in the community do. I won’t even pretend to understand what you’re doing, but just know that I will support you with anything. We’re brothers, Noah. Now, and forever.”

“Brothers,” I agreed, then we fist-bumped one another. “And now, let’s go make some rookies sing for their supper.”

It was a time honored tradition, and thinking about the girly pop song playing in Lulu’s car the last time I started it up, I realized it would be perfect for tonight’s performance. My girl swore it was something her youngest had been listening to, but it didn’t even matter. Grabbing my cell phone, I started to find the song on Spotify as the two of us headed downstairs to join the other. I hoped the new tight end liked songs about trouble, rainbows, and chicks. I was still smirking when we joined the others.


Life seemed to get back to some semblance of normal over the last six or seven weeks. Cade’s threats still lingered in my head, but so far, I had not received any summons to appear in court, or had any interaction with him. I thought for sure that something would go down during the time Noah was away at training camp, seeing as he was the only one who could actually come to my rescue. After the night I had spent with him, the two of us went back to dating under a cloak of secrecy. It really sucked, especially while we were still so early on in our relationship. Noah understood it, though. He had mentioned more than once something about talking to Cade, but I didn’t want to involve him more than I already had.

“That’s not necessary. You need to focus on your upcoming season,”I had told him right before training camp. Now the preseason was close to wrapping up, and his worries had shifted. The coaches had held him out of most games, and while I was sure it was out of precaution, Noah thought otherwise. For whatever asinine reason, he was convinced they were trying to shop him around.“That’s crazy. They would be fools to do that!”

“What if they do, though? I would have to pick up and start over in a new city all alone.”

It hadn’t hurt my feelings because he knew I couldn’t pick up and leave with him. Chicago was not only my home, but it was my children’s home as well. They had friends, extra-curricular activities, and family here, even if only on Cade’s side. Our May-December relationship would end, which was nothing that we couldn’t have honestly expected to happen. I still wanted to provide encouragement to him, so when we were together, I made sure to remain positive for his sake. The freak out on my part would happen when I was alone at night with nothing more than memories of his hands on my body to warm me.

Work helped to keep me busy, and I was so pleased with how gorgeous Harper Grimes’ wedding was going to be. I had gotten to know her and Gabriel even better over the last several weeks, and the two were a real-life romance novel. Their love story was what fairy tales were made of, and I would make sure her wedding day was the most magical one the city would ever see. Price was no object according to Gabe which meant I had no limits when it came to my planning. Knowing the joy I would bring to their faces on their big day, not to mention the much needed commission I would receive, made these late afternoon work days more tolerable.

Amanda had recently turned fifteen, and she had been a big help when it came to watching over her siblings on those afternoons when I wasn’t there to greet them as they arrived home from school. I was so proud of the woman she was becoming. I loved all three of my children, and I would never let Cade follow through with his earlier threats. Thankfully, I had heard nothing else from him about them, so I assumed he had finally come tohis senses. Punishing me was one thing, but punishing his own kids was quite another.

My cell phone rang, and I quickly snatched it up. “Is everyone home, baby?”

“Yes, Mom. What time are you going to get home? I want to go over to Renee’s house for a sleepover tonight.”

I remembered the slumber party for her best friend, and I looked at the folders I had out on the table. “I’ll be home as soon as I lock up here.” That place was my actual office which was a block away from where I lived. It was not only conveniently located for times like this when I needed to get home, but it added more legitimacy to my budding business. I could host clients here, and I could go over my ideas without having to lug a briefcase full of things from one client appointment to another.

“It’s fine. Will you bring home a pizza on your way?” She asked.

“That, I can do. See you all soon.” I hung up, then quickly put away everything.

I had been working tirelessly, and not having to cook sounded great to me. Pulling out my cell phone, I quickly placed our usual order, then noticed the missed text message from Noah. I smiled at it, then quickly fired off a response to him. I then stretched as my body stiffened from the few hours I had spent sitting down earlier when working on the Blake-Grimes wedding.

My stomach growled at that moment as if it was reminding me that I also needed to eat. I stuffed my cell phone into my purse, and after locking up, I headed a block in the opposite direction for the place I knew had their favorite pizza. This particular venue served the usual artisan fare, and the anticipation of oneof their calorie-packed pies oozing with imported mozzarella and Italian sausage made my stomach rumble again.

“Okay, Okay,” I said out loud before heading to the pizza parlor.

It didn’t take very long to arrive there, and the place was bustling with activity. After finding a small table in the corner, I sat and listened to the live music as I waited which helped me pass the time. Soon after arriving, my order was ready, so I paid for it, then headed back outside. I hadn’t really driven much to work since opening my own office, but I knew that would all change soon. It wouldn’t be long until these humid summer days would give way to my favorite autumn ones, before I would be back to having to drive everywhere when winter set in.

Truly enjoying this time, and the walk along Michigan Avenue, I passed my office and continued toward my place. The scent of basil and tomatoes filled the air as the pizza infused steam rose from the sides of the box. I was getting hungrier by the minute. My mind was preoccupied on that, so as I rounded the corner and began to cross the street, a motor revved. I was already mid way across the road, with my building right in my sights. I tried to finish crossing when a car suddenly bolted forward, straight in my direction. I stupidly stood rooted in place for just a moment before realizing the silver vehicle was coming right for me. I barely made it to the curb when the car suddenly swerved.