Page 27 of Dangerously Yours

She sighed out in defeat. “We can’t be seen together like this.”

“I know,” I told her. “I just had to make sure that you’re okay.”

“I am,” she tried to reassure me, but I didn’t believe her.

When she closed her eyes, I took advantage of the moment and pressed my lips to hers. She went to pull away, but I had gripped the back of her head to hold her immobile. Lulu still tried to fight me off, but I began to weaken her resolve as I thrust my tongue into her mouth. Seconds later, she surrendered to me as I plundered her mouth. Her hands moved to my arms, then later my chest as I tried to deepen the kiss. When she pushed forcefully against me, I finally pulled away.

“Please don’t do this to me,” she told me right afterward.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to?—”

“Anyone could’ve walked in on us,” she pointed out, and I realized what was the biggest cause of her concern.

“Then let me go home with you, Lulu.”

“Why?” She asked, and I chuckled.

“If you have to ask, then I didn’t do a good enough job last time.”

Lulu shivered. “You have nothing to worry about when it comes to that.”

“Then why are you fighting what is between us?”

She shook her head. “I’m in a bad spot right now in my life. I?—”

“I understand that, and I can help if only you would let me.”

“I want to, but...” she said, and when the door opened behind me, her eyes widened. “Tonight,” she whispered, then smiled as she walked past me. “I don’t see Annette’s coat in here. I need to check in the back,” she told the intruder.

I turned and was about to leave, but I noticed who it was that had opened the door. It was one of the two women who had accompanied Cade to the event tonight. She was looking at me with curiosity in her gaze before she turned and left. I shook my head, then followed her out of the coat room. When back in the ballroom, I saw Cade watching Lulu as she smiled and talked with two other women. Something made me feel uneasy, but before I could act on my suspicions, I heard my name.

“Where have you been all night?” Romeo asked.

“I’ve been around,” I told him. “What are you up to?”

My blonde friend smirked, then pointed at a group of women gathered around Daxon. “We’re headed out to a more happening party. Will we see you later at the Vault?”

“Umm, not tonight,” I told him, then looked over his shoulder. “You might want to get them out of here though because I see a few of the other men ogling them.”

“We have a VIP room booked in case you change your mind,” he told me, and I nodded curtly. I should have gone with them, but as I looked back over at Lulu, I could see her now having an animated conversation with Cade.

“I will let you know, but I see someone I need to talk to,” I said, then walked away. I knew Romeo wouldn’t wait around tosee who had caught my attention, and I was right because I saw him, Daxon, and those other women leaving. Callum and Gabriel would be busy with their own women, so there would be no one else to truly distract me. As I headed toward Lulu and Cade, I was wrong.

“Capshaw. Nice to see you again,” Merrill Carter said aloud. “How is the team looking this season?”

It was often a question I was asked, so I wasn’t surprised. “I think we’re poised to repeat as divisional champs, so from there, our potential is wide open.”

“I’ve renewed our season tickets this year, and I plan to entertain more in our luxury box.”

“That’s great—” I started to tell him until a pair of raised voices caught my attention, and theirs.

“What did you think was going to happen, Lulu? Look at the way you’re dressed. You look like you should be on a street corner instead of the?—”

Lulu always carried herself in such an elegant manner. It was something I had noticed way back when. I glared at Cade, then left the man who had stopped me, and walked closer to her in case I needed to step in.

“I think you’ve had a bit too much to drink tonight, Cade. I can get you and your dates a room upstairs.”

Cade grabbed her roughly, as he growled at her. “You fucking—” I would never stand there and let another guy manhandle a woman in my presence, especially not this man and this woman. I grabbed his arm, and he struggled for a few seconds to breakloose, but it was for naught. Finally, he sneered. “Are you fucking her, too?”