Page 25 of Dangerously Yours

“I don’t know what you’re getting at, man?”

“Don’t try to play innocent with me. Gabriel told me about the two of you, and how you look at one another.”

“Damn, I thought only women gossiped,” I muttered.

“It isn’t gossip. We’re concerned about you. Lulu and Cade have just gotten divorced, and there are some rumors out there saying that she?—”

“They are lies, and we all know it. Cade’s a womanizing pig, and if he wasn’t a Titan, he would be insignificant.”

“Maybe so, but?—”

“I wish all of you would lay the fuck off. I like Lulu, and there isn’t a damn thing either of you can...” My voice trailed off as Nicole returned. She looked between me and her man, and I threw my hands up. “I actually need to do something. I’ll catch up with you both at the party.”

I started to walk away, and Callum called to me. “Noah.” When I turned, he had his hands in front of him as if he couldn’t believe I just ended the conversation the way I had. “We care about you?—”

“I appreciate it, but it’s not necessary. I know what I’m doing. Catch you both later.” I then turned back around and exited the building.


I smiled at my girls, especially my youngest when she flung herself into my arms. “I’m going to miss you, Leslie,” I told her.

She peppered kisses on my face, then pulled away. “I love you, Mommy.”

“I love you, too.” I then looked at my other two children. “I love you all, and I want you to behave for your grandparents.”

“We will,” Zachary assured me, then clutched his newly signed football to his chest. “I can’t wait to show Grandpa this. Noah is his favorite player.”

Amanda rolled her eyes at her brother, then looked back at me. “We’ll behave, and thank you for giving me permission to hang out with Molly and Jess tonight.”

“Just be back to your grandparents by ten. You know they go to sleep earlier than I do,” I warned, and she hugged me.

“I will, and have a good time tonight at work, Mom.”

“Thanks, baby.” The children then left the penthouse and I sagged against the door frame.

Noah had said something about a private dance and there was only one place he could’ve meant when he said that, and it had my pulse racing ever since. The very thought of giving in to passion with him once more was exciting, but even more so, it was distracting. Since our one night together, I had wanted to have a repeat of it, but as time passed, I realized what a mistake it had been. Still, I was completely aroused by the very idea that tonight would end up like that one.

I had tried using my toys to no avail since having sex with him. No matter how many times I relived that night, or tried to pretend as if the various vibrators and dildos were Noah, they weren’t, and my body knew it. I was so wired after finding no release, and it made me weak. It was something I could ill afford to be, but I wanted it nonetheless.

I moved over to the island, then set my palm on the edge. Closing my eyes, I remembered back to that night. I had been so nervous, yet horny at the same time. The stone beneath me had been cold, but that man made me so hot for him that I was surprised I hadn’t melted the marble completely.

Noah’s orders from that night came rushing back, and I gripped the edge like I had then, and a moan escaped my lips. The man was completely sinful, and so different than how I thought he would be. The things he had done to me... the things he had said to me...

God, I had wanted to scream his name from the rooftop. I still wanted him, and way too much even though I was nothing more than a notch on his bedpost. It was the main thing stopping me from giving in to him again. He had caught me in a moment of weakness, his seduction attempt was lethal.

“You’re so goddamned beautiful.”

And damn if this man didn’t make me feel it, too. When I was in his arms, I didn’t feel old... useless... unattractive... boring... or all the things Cade would viciously tell me that I was over the years. I had tried everything from kama sutra, toys, and even a brief stint with BDSM all in hopes of pleasing the man I had loved. None of it had made a permanent difference, though. In the beginning, I had felt beautiful with him. I had been impressionable at that time, so in awe of having landed the perfect boy. I didn’t care about the title of a Titan. He was ambitious, handsome, and he had eyes for only me, or so I had thought.

It had all been a lie he kept feeding me, just as Noah’s words were the other night. He wanted to fuck me. Usually, it was the divorce lawyer who got the first crack at lonely divorcees, but in the world of these Titans, sex was all but a game anyway. I had been a pawn then, and shamelessly, I was aching to be one again tonight. I scrubbed my hands down my face and tried to hold back the tears.

I refused to dwell on him, and I snapped back to the present. I did need to get ready because whether I knew what I would do with Noah or not, I had a party to attend. I was the host, so I needed to get there even earlier than the other guests, too. That didn’t leave me much time to shower, get dressed, then do my hair and make-up. Not only was the man I couldn’t get out of my head going to be there, but my now ex-husband was going to be there as well. After everything Cade had put out there to take the heat off of himself, I needed to be able to hold my head up high and present myself with dignity.

I also needed to not embarrass my clients, so I hoped Cade controlled his liquor and would not make a scene of any kind. I needed this budding career as it was the best and only way Icould think of to make enough money to support myself and my children. I had never thought I would end up in this situation, but it was too late for regret. It wouldn’t keep a roof over our heads, or food in our stomachs, so I had to do what I had to do.

An hour later, I stood in front of the wall-length mirror staring at my reflection. I had chosen one of my previous dresses because I had no money to buy a new gown for the occasion. Because I had attended so many events over the years, I did have quite a few at my disposal in my closet, and it helped on a night like this one. It was black and sleek, and there was a large split that ran up my left side, almost to my hip, but not quite as far up as that. After all, I was thirty-nine years old, and unlike Cade, I would act my age in public.

“Please, God,” I said as I closed my eyes, “Please let this night be uneventful.”