Noah would turn me in his arms, then tip my face up.“I do want you so badly.”
“Take me, Noah,”I would tell him, then the book fell from my hands as I stretched out in the chair as this fantasy continued to play in my mind.
Noah would fuse his mouth to mine, and the feeling of aliveness that I sought would be within reach. His large hands would lift me off of my feet. There would be a table there, but in my fantasies, it was empty so he could sit me atop it. Cade barely did any foreplay with me, so it was no surprise that I would imagine Noah taking his time to turn me on. By the time he removed his own shirt, I would be so turned on. He would be in no hurry, however, as he would move from one breast to the other.Although this was a fantasy, the need for some sort of touch was so strong that I brought my own hands to my breasts, and tried to mimic his actions.
I rubbed the taut material over my nipple until it hardened painfully underneath. I then plucked absently at it while keeping my eyes squeezed shut.
“Do you ache, Lulu?”He would ask as his hands made me squirm.
And before I could answer, he would unbutton my shirt and unfasten the front clasp of my bra. My breasts would spill out into his hands, and when his mouth would lower to one of them, I would let out a moan.
“Take me, Noah. I need to feel?—”
“I know what you need, Lulu,”he would say, and moments later, my skirt would be off, as would be his shirt.
I would drag my hands up and down his chest until he spread my legs apart. Following his imagined movements, I slipped one hand between my legs. Keeping my eyes closed, I rubbed my flesh rough enough to make myself arch off the chair. Three or four fingers had nothing on the visions playing through my head, but I continued anyway.
First, I would feel his fingers on me, then later his mouth. It was hard to stay in the right mindset so I could get myself off when I had so much built up in my chest at the moment. I wouldn’t fail even though I was growing more frustrated by the second. My much-needed orgasm was like my marriage, seemingly just out of reach. I refused to let Cade steal anything else from me. If nothing else, I deserved to have the edge taken off, no matter the means.
I closed my eyes, as I continued thrusting my long fingers into my core. My sharp nails grazed my inner walls, and using that pain, I worked hard on driving myself closer to the edge. My breathing was rapid, and trying to ride my hand had my head spinning. I decided to focus less on myself, and more on Noah. He would then play with my pussy for a few seconds until he thrust inside of me. While I had no knowledge of how big he might be, I imagined his package would be every bit as impressive as the rest of him.
“Noah,” I cried out once or twice, as recent frustrations and stress finally began to melt away.
I moved my fingers faster all while imagining they were his cock instead. He was determined, as much as I was, and it wasn’t long after that the release I desperately sought found me. My orgasm washed over me in waves, and it was as hard to breathe through them as it would be with actual water in the ocean.
I needed this, though. It was the main reason I never let up and kept finger-fucking myself until I came a second time. That orgasm was albeit much more subdued, but still desperately needed as well. When the last ripple moved through me, I pulled my fingers away and got up. On the way to the bathroom, my legs wobbled slightly, but I made it there in time to clean myself up.
A few minutes later, I changed my panties but stayed in just a long T-shirt. I was about to go back to reading when I caught my reflection in the mirror. Without make-up, I looked much older, but I realized that it no longer mattered. Yes, I was almost forty, but age was nothing but a number. I still had needs, and they could still be met. Maybe not by someone like Noah Capshaw, but there had to be someone else out there. I might be old, but I wasn’t dead. That made me smile, and I decided insteadof procrastinating my reading, I would work more on getting Cade’s stuff boxed up.
He would be back tomorrow with the children, and there was no better time to give him his things back. If he chose not to take them, I would simply donate them to an area thrift store. I would no longer let his presence upset me. I would also not roll over and let him steamroll over me in this divorce. Despite my desire to be done with him, once and for all, I would be smart and let my attorney handle things. He might be a Titan, but he could be taken down, and he would. I was once called a slayer, but those people had no idea. Cade didn’t either, but he would.
My trip to New York City had been uneventful, and it was probably the first time in a long while that I could say that. It seemed as if the only one who scored any action had been Romeo. Even Daxon, who was as single as me, basically watched the dancers at the Vault instead of taking one back to our hotel rooms with us. A few of them caught my eye, but I had a very chick moment, and just wasn’t in the mood so I didn’t even bother.
Once or twice, Gabriel would rag me about Lulu Davis and some supposed chemistry he noticed between us. I had to admit, but only to myself, that I could agree with what he saw, but she was older and married. And I wasn’t even sure which of those two things were worse. Whatever it was, she hadn’t been the reason for my celibacy, which I would remedy soon. I just hadn’t been myself this entire off season, and I suppose the rumors about my being traded were part of it. Staying under the radar while keeping my nose clean was the best way to stay out of the limelight. I didn’t want the general manager or owner to regret keeping me on because I could not imagine ever playing for a team outside of my hometown.
Professional sports was a business, though. Many viewed it as entertainment too, and they were not wrong. Players came and went from teams all around the league. I had been fortunate enough to be drafted and get to play for the team I rooted for my entire life, but others hadn’t been so lucky. In fact, our tight end and two defensive linemen hated our team before they were signed to lucrative contracts. Their entire family switched alliances and it was as if they had been fans all of their lives. I knew the moment that one of them were let go or traded, the fandom would rightfully end.
My name had never come up so often in one off season as it had this one, and I was still frankly uneasy about everything. Gabriel had told me about a Florida team inquiring about my availability, but then they ended up picking up another quarterback in the draft, so I had dodged a huge bullet. Still, I couldn’t quite relax and it was likely the reason for this dark cloud that seemed to stick with me.
“Are you sure there’s nothing on the horizon?”I’d asked Gabriel again as recently as the plane ride back from Manhattan.
“I’ve told you that everything is fine. I’ve even started negotiations on a contract restructuring for you, however they won’t pull the trigger on that unless they get up against the salary cap,”he had replied.
It should have made me feel better, but it didn’t. No matter how good a player you might be, the salary cap was there, and better players than me ended up as casualties. That restlessness was what sent me to a neighborhood bar instead of a club like the Vault with my friends. I just wanted to drink alone, so I dressed down and went immediately to a corner table when I entered the bar. I had no sooner sat down when a nearby tableof guys did a double take. I tried my best to ignore them, but was unsuccessful.
“Wait, is that our QB?” The man had asked another at the table.
He looked and even though I was looking straight ahead instead of in their direction, I was still noticeable. I also had on a ball cap, but there was no disguise when my face was plastered on billboards across the town, and in every shoe store in the city.
“It sure as hell is.”
“Hey, Capshaw,” the third man said, and I reluctantly turned toward them.
“Holy shit, it is really you. Will you sign his jersey?”
I had not even seen the fourth man, but he was sure enough wearing one of my jerseys in black. I was about to mention the lack of a pen, but the one who asked presented one. I would need a stronger drink than the beer I had intended on after this. I motioned for him to come over, and I scribbled my usual signature across the number.