Page 39 of Dangerously Yours

“Please, get off of me, Cade.”

I had hoped my simple plea would be enough, but I realized it wasn’t the moment he thrust his hand into my shirt. The ex that I knew would never force himself on me. I was slowly starting to calm down until I realized how unhinged this man was. I no longer recognized Cade, or the man he had fooled me into thinking that he was. My fight or flight instincts kicked back in, and I was able to bring my knee up. I racked him, and as he bellowed out in pain, I used it to my advantage, and scrambled out from underneath him.

“You stupid bitch,” he said as he made his way onto his feet. “I was going to give you a final chance to come to your senses. All you had to do was call off the divorce and give us another chance, but you wouldn’t. Now, you’ve left me no choice.”

My blood ran cold at the last part. “No choice about what?”

Was Cade going to actually force himself on me? I still couldn’t fathom that he would, but knowing I kept a knife in my lingerie drawer, I slowly backed up to my dresser. I was prepared to grab the blade and use it if need be, but the way he chuckled made me pause. “I’m suing you for full custody of the kids.”

His words were much worse than what I had just imagined, and I found myself staring dumbfoundedly at him. “You can’t do that.”

“I can, and I will. Last night when our kids were watching a movie, I had a nice talk with my lawyer. He seems to think that I have a case.”

“He’s wrong, and you are, too. There is no judge in the country that will give you custody of them over me.”

“Wanna make a wager?” He said, and the confidence in his voice led me to believe that he might even have a judge in his pocket. It was no secret that Titans could do almost anything they wanted due to their power and influence.

“Y-you have no grounds,” I stammered. It truly wouldn’t matter if he did or not. If the judge presiding was bought and paid for, nothing I could say or do would change his mind. My children were all I truly had left. Yes, there was Noah, but this was a summer fling, or maybe one that might last a season or two, but nothing I would bank my future on. I couldn’t live without my children. They meant more to me than anything else in this world. When Noah, or anyone else that might come into my life, was gone, my children would still remain.“Get out!”

Cade continued to smirk, then went to the door. “I actually have many grounds on which to file. The first is the company you keep. A party full of influential people saw him attack me for no reason.” There was reason, but only those close enough to us would’ve heard what prompted the outburst from Noah. “And you’re out with that same man, and not even here for your children the next day.”

“They weren’t supposed to be back until noon, and I still have a few minutes. You’re?—”

“They wanted to come back early, and you were nowhere to be found. We both know where you were, though. You were spreading your legs for Noah Capshaw.”

“You have fucked more women than I can even count,” I pointed out, and he shrugged.

“My reputation won’t be on trial, though. Yours will, and I can guarantee you will not be able to sweet talk your way through this one like you and your lawyer did the last time. I have made sure of it.”

Cade had been enraged when he found out that he still had to pay me alimony, along with child support during our last court hearing. I believe at the time that he thought his name alone would’ve been enough to sway the judge to side with him, but it hadn’t been. The way he was so confident now, however, let me know that he had taken care of that part now.

“You can’t take my kids away from me.”

“I might be tempted to change my mind if you did one thing for me.”

“What?” I would do almost anything to stop him from ripping my children from my arms.

“Take me back.”

Anything but that. “No. I will not.”

Granted, Noah and I might not be everlasting, but he had at least shown me that I could have a relationship with someone else after all the betrayal I had suffered at the hands of my ex. I could fall in love, and have it returned back to me. There was a future out there for me, no matter how bleak it had once looked. I deserved better than what this man had given me over thecourse of our marriage, and knowing my worth, I shook my head vehemently.

“I expect my children back in this house in the next five minutes or else I will be forced to takeyouto court, this time for violating the current custody order in place. You can’t control me, Cade. I’m not scared of you anymore, but I would suggest you take notice and show a little fear toward me. Get me my children, or else I will have you and your sister arrested for kidnapping.”

I wasn’t even sure if that was even a possibility, but Cade evidently thought it could be because he growled. “You’re making a big mistake. Mark my words that you will be sorry.” He then stormed out of the room, and I sagged against my dresser.

My false bravado dissipated in a flash, and tears replaced the anger in my eyes. I followed Cade, and I already had my cell phone in hand by the time I sat down at the kitchen island. My ex was on the balcony talking to who I assumed was his sister. He turned and saw the phone in my hand, then said one final thing to whoever he was speaking to, before stepping back inside.

“They’re on their way upstairs.” It was all he said before leaving the penthouse. He hadn’t been lying about their whereabouts because a minute later, the door reopened and my three kids came inside alone.


Training camp had arrived, and it was the worst time of the year. Granted, I used to love this time when I was in the beginning stages of my career. Just being in the league was a blessing to me, so I enjoyed every part of it. If I didn’t play sports, I would likely be a pencil pusher like my father had been, and the entire city had seen how that had turned out.

I was not Clint Capshaw, but the rumors would persist anyway. Some of the older and most influential of Titans still remembered how my father had evaded taxes and brought increased scrutiny down on the others. The hotshot district attorney came into town and tried to make an example of the rich and famous. He had struck gold when it came to my father, but there was no evidence to convict or indict anyone else. Still, knowing he had been the one to cause them worry had been enough.

I felt like I had to work harder to maintain my respectable standing in the community. As a professional football player, I had obligations to the youth, although I loved spending time with them so it had never been a problem. Personally, however,the only saving grace for me had been the fact that I was essentially raised by Ronald Capshaw who was one of the most renowned and respected of all Titans over the last few decades. The man actually cared about his lot in life, and he devoted his time and resources to others to better their lives as well. Without his guidance, who knows how I would have turned out.